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Everything posted by Lurk21

  1. When Thomas Davis came out about Richardson, it was apparent that Frank wanted him. The CJ rumors seemed like Josh and crew were thinking that he gives them the best mixture between all 3 Qbs listed. The Bryce love was apparent from the Teppers. I'm still going to root for Bryce but I'd like to see some kind of sign at some point. If Andy goes to Seattle and all of a sudden the wrs are making catches, it'll draw some feedback. I'll be watching the windows for wrs and if Andy is timid in passing regardless.
  2. That'd be your nucleus fr and some solid 3 pt shooters to boot.
  3. It's early but he is definitely outplaying Trevor right now.
  4. Definitely use to getting shafted and Mitch is outdated but I'm waiting to see if anything happens. Kai.... man I don't know what he been on but he Definitely getting drug tested frequently.
  5. Trust me, I'm use to him doing nothing but new ownership may force his hands!!
  6. According to multiple outlets, the Hornets are linked to a trade for Herro. I'm not sure on who would go out but I'd assume Terry and Gordon for starters and a young player. If that trade reaches 4 teams, no telling who goes but I wouldn't mind a Melo Herro Miller Bridges Williams lineup with Frank-Smith Jr- Cody- Pj-Nic backup lineup. Maybe add Nikola to that lineup. https://www.google.com/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/10090523-nba-trade-rumors-heats-tyler-herro-linked-to-bulls-hornets-jazz-amid-lillard-buzz.amp.html
  7. According to multiple outlets, the Hornets are linked to a trade for Herro. I'm not sure on who would go out but I'd assume Terry and Gordon for starters and a young player. If that trade reaches 4 teams, no telling who goes but I wouldn't mind a Melo Herro Miller Bridges Williams lineup with Frank-Smith Jr- Cody- Pj-Nic backup lineup. Maybe add Nikola to that lineup. https://www.google.com/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/10090523-nba-trade-rumors-heats-tyler-herro-linked-to-bulls-hornets-jazz-amid-lillard-buzz.amp.html
  8. Which is another guy (along with Brown and a possible free agent wr)that'll need to get paid. A reason I think burns contract is still stagnant
  9. Say he does play and has some ridiculous game(like a 5 sack performance).... then things get even trickier.
  10. Yep, I could see him leaving for sure but I definitely see some damage!! We can only hope that Haynes n Jones etc also add to that!! Williams seems like a guy that they are saying disruptive from the end spot. If Brown takes that leap too, I could see us looking like Saxsonville that year they had Campbell n crew going crazy.
  11. And imagine Luvu and Chinn blitzing in the midst of that....
  12. Here is a lil background on J.D. he tested well and has played all along the line. I'd assume he could be competing to take Ervings spot if he does well in the Preseason! https://rutgers.rivals.com/news/rutgers-ol-j-d-direnzo-tested-well-showed-versatility-during-pro-day?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAEhBymcdhuWR8lM3jDCFSTXrlKkNfFahqqyShKjbVVpWSzRYP7TP5UzDISSYnjg1i7-ONGZZD1rn9Bg967pSjbJk9MA1Alc5aj21XeuAJmS4NP0gPXD0czk62CZlaiRBFwIR8pOkT9sXSj4QZ_1BvCrJSI0m6qS-JsAvDEKamq7g
  13. This is borderline insane!! There are only a few select QBs to be that detailed coming in. I'm talking all time great Qbs. Not crowning him now but his work ethic is definitely something we all could be impressed with. Most Qbs are getting playbooks scaled back until year 3 and he out here doing presentations.
  14. Now with the rumor of Bridges and Pascal on the block, anybody want to trade with Toronto? 1st rd pick, Terry(since they lost Fleet) and Pj for Pascal? We could have a lineup of Melo, Miller Miles Pascal Mark or Melo Miller Williams Bridges Mark.
  15. Apparently the Celtics beat writer thinks Grant isn't coming back. At the moment us and the Mavs are the only 2 teams showing interest. I'd take him over Pj for a fraction of the cost. Sign and trade PJ for something.
  16. You know what's crazy... he can play but playing fantasy, I noticed they won just as many games with Tyus Jones playing pg. Morants next step(albeit off the court)will have to be learning to pace himself. Every play can't be 100 mph.
  17. I thought the same and it aint looking good!! Mitch needs to make some moves asap.
  18. I bet Zion just asked to be traded to Charlotte! Lol
  19. Bro I laughed so hard when I saw this and remembered somebody just posted about her lol. Keep her away from Melo. Lol
  20. Mitch spoke I mean!! Mitch did about a 10 min press after the pick.
  21. Thinking he knows that the ball would move better with him n Miller. One key thing is Mitch in the press conference saying he sees Miller playing 2 and 3... not 3 and 2. Him n Melo would present a bunch of length at 1 and 2.
  22. So it sounds like Melo was involved with this pick too. A very large contingent that included Clifford , MJ, Front office and the new owners.
  23. Yeah GG upside is honestly of a lottery pick. He is a hardworking and gym rat... no way he doesn't develop!!
  24. Yep, I think after looking at things that Scoot has a Mitchell type game with more athleticism. Miller Simon's and 14 aint bad either. Interested to see how today's 1 vs 1 went/going and then the interview. Hopefully something leaks out soon to give us an idea.
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