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Everything posted by Lurk21

  1. I can definitely still see a vet being added. I would think they would like to get a look at Matt and Jimmy can't throw til late June. If they think Matt got a chance to compete with Sam, I think they hold off. If it looks like Matt will definitely need a year and Sam looks horrible still, it is definitely us getting a vet Qb.
  2. I really hope we don't make him a top 5 paid end bc I feel the same. He is not bad but he hasn't been elite.
  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the pump fake and his ability to not telegraph where he is going is refreshing. He has some things to work on but the skill is there.
  4. That dude don't run like he 34 and banged up...
  5. Well we are definitely looking good on paper in this category....
  6. Looking at these extreme athletes in the late rounds of the draft and some free agent additions such as Hekker, Westry etc.... we will field a possible elite special teams unit. Coverage should net us a ton of good field positions, which in turn helps us not have to work so hard to score. I dont think we have fielded this much speed and athleticism on special teams since Rod "He Hate Me" Smart and crew.
  7. I think Westry makes it too. Has some starting experience and plays special teams. Add in dude is 6'4 and runs 4.3 range too. Will be an intersection battle for 6 or 7 dbs. Hartfield got some heat.
  8. I was just about to post that. It has been so long since I have seen a QB pump fake to draw a db with misconception. I had my questions on his mental but the tools are there. I'll root for him.
  9. I could be wrong but Littleton played that position pretty good when he was with the Rams. That's what led him to getting paid. Problem was the rams made him more a 3-4 MLB.
  10. Thinking a reason we haven't moved in, is because teams know what we trying to trade in for a QB. Add in the fact that these teams watched the Jets fleece us and no telling what they are asking in return. Itd been different if we had a 3rd round pick vs a late 4th. The further in round 3 we get, the better the odds.... or just top of round 4
  11. Welp, long night for Qbs. I guess Carolina can relax a lil and Cleveland is probably blowing up Carolina line. Lol
  12. Yeah 2 picks and if they don't... that tells you how the rest of the night will go for Qbs.
  13. If he gets past sea.... Im not sure a qb goes in round 2
  14. Unless there is an extreme QB run....Part of me thinks we get Baker and Howell.
  15. He got paid bc of Rhule and only Rhule....
  16. Could be leaked to drum up more value today but could be bs....
  17. I would rather let TMJ and Higgins compete for burn and let Robby go anyway.
  18. I think Panthers will draft a QB somehow and possibly still add a cut Jimmy or Baker down the line.
  19. Add a vet from this list. I like Brown but he could be replaced by like 5 of these guys and a couple are still in their prime. It's not like Brown was killing it. Ionadiss and Davion are going to be good but add Eddie or Larry etc and it's not that big a drop to me. Honestly if Larry shows he is finally healthy, you sign him to a prove it deal and bring him back home. Eddie, Danny and Sheldon all no downgrades either.
  20. This crossed my mind and I see a completely different Quarterback room incoming. I kind of think Pj is definitely gone at some point.
  21. I've stated this in other threads but use Derrick Brown and Robby in trades somehow. I honestly think thats the way we go to aquire some capital.
  22. I still think that if Deonte Brown is steady working on his game, that he and Brady should compete for left guard. Brown made huge holes in the time he played and I could only imagine him at 6'3 350 beside Icky clearing lanes. No knock on Brady but he may be best suited as our swing tackle. If Brady can show he is solid at guard, then so be it.
  23. I also would look into trading next year's 4th and Robby for a 3rd this year.
  24. Looking at the defensive tackles that are still available, I see a few we could still add. I would look into adding one of Larry Ogunjobi, Eddie Goldman, Sheldon Richardson or Danny Shelton. With that being said, trade Derrick Brown to get back into this round. Davion and the other rookie last year showed promise too, while Ionadiss also is a solid player.
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