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Everything posted by Lurk21

  1. I'm going to support whoever and I have warmed up to Bryce but watching this video really has me kind of questioning him. When they ask what trait is elite and will that elite be different vs elite level players. I'm a lil worried but hopefully we continue to build around him if he is the pick!
  2. Yes, you have some very valid points!! I think it'll be Young too but Fitt is definitely playing this close to the vest!!!
  3. I just seen a tweet earlier from Mike Kaye that has me confused. He mentioned how Frank will be using the RPO offense and to make of that, what you will. I had accepted that Young is the gut but he doesn't fit the RPO. Then you look at the whole Richardson in a trade down to 2 scenario. I'm wondering if they are really thinking of AR all alone and trying to ride it out until it's definite not trade can be made. Ready for this to be over!!
  4. This quote kind of makes me think that they are still open for a trade down and semi advertising it.
  5. I'll get on board with whoever but could this be that Bryce has a guarantee that he will be took by Houston at 2 if we don't at 1? I think it'd be kind of rude to lock it in and still have Stroud n Levis come tomorrow. If it's the case, just cancel the visits because this has drug on long enough.
  6. Possibly but being that they are in the same division... the threat would make Houston front office think at least. As others have stated, Houston front office isn't that well renowned to make good decisions!
  7. I had that same thought too until I wondered I Indy got involved. All it takes is for a leak of Indy wanting to move up to 1 and Houston trying to block that. Apparently Indy called Chicago too and offered Pittman n etc. Houston has to have their head on the swivel. This is why the Chicago GM said we wanted to control the draft.
  8. Those 2 would be good too!! I just know that Harrisons upside is out of this world! JSN is definitely a guy that will shine in the league tho. He has an uncanny way of working the middle of the field to get open.
  9. I wouldnt be mad at that scenario, as long as we got the right compensation!!
  10. In the hypothetical world where Houston calls us and does want to get to 1, what's your options? I know I've seen pick number 12 but I would rather have their 1st next year. I think Houston will be picking again in the top 5 and that could very well give us Stroud and Harrison! I like all 3 QBs but just getting away from the back n forth. This article was posted today by Yahoo. https://www.google.com/amp/s/sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/why-texans-call-carolina-panthers-161028679.html
  11. To me he is high on Stroud n Richardson due to the whole size and prototype stuff! There is some serious back n forth going on between who he likes and who others like. It's blatantly obvious that discussions are being made and the decision isn't done. Even though most are assured that it's Bryce.
  12. I did but there is some substance to some stuff. I think it's pretty obvious that Tepper likes Bryce and Frank likes Stroud. That vibe has been present for awhile now.
  13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/brobible.com/sports/article/carolina-panthers-disagree-on-pick/amp/ Well not sure if this has been linked but it looks like the tug of war is going on! If Frank is really fighting for Stroud but Tepper is saying Bryce, we will start things off with dysfunction!! I know that Bryce has gained momentum but if Tepper allowed Rhule to get Darnold, Teddy and Baker but not allowing Frank to get his guy... Idk but I hope this doesn't start off bad. ...
  14. That makes a bunch of sense and add to it the fact that Chicago's GM said we wanted to control the draft. Why would we want to control the draft, if we knew we were taking a certain Qb at 1... its because we were trying to get in position to still move back if need be and get a guy they really like. It does have vibes of AR but I'm sure they are all going over all 3 very intensively!!!
  15. I'm at work but I'll try to find the 2 different tweets I saw it from. Definitely doesn't seem too common unless someone misses a pro day etc.
  16. I don't know how he did in the interviews but it was confirmed it was a 2 day visit, which is odd. That'd mean he spent Easter with the team and finished up Monday, unless they meant Monday to Tuesday morning. I'm good with any because of this coaching staff! I do know for him to have a 2 day visit, it definitely shows that they wanted some stuff answered!!
  17. Bro, I promise you as we get deeper into this, I really feel this is Frank's 1st choice at the moment. I remember Davis having that face on NFLN and he said it with conviction. They just had a 2 day visit with him and if he aced both days, I'd be willing to bet there is some heavy duty back n forth going on. Vegas would be turned upside down.
  18. I know this is Becks opinion worked in but it felt like he was trying to sell Young to Houston and Stroud to us. Regardless we are in good shape going forward I think!
  19. I think Frank may of really been ok with Richardson or Stroud at that point and I bet he is still banging the drum for either of those 2. I think he likes Young but when he involuntarily mentioned Youngs durability, he showed his hand in how he feels about him. Then you have Schefter going full blown Young and they have the same agency. This is far from done. Young could very well be the pick but I feel there is some resistance within our contingent.
  20. Well they did have a 2 day visit with him, so the let's me know that they wanted to probably do a physical assessment and some boardwalk. If he aced it... we may start hearing rumors going his direction. I have been Stroud 1st and Young and Richardson next but I'm just burnt out and ready for us to just get someone! I feel Stroud and AR are the only 2 that you don't have to strip half the playback from(under center) and etc.
  21. Listening to that, I think that the durability factor is going to be the deciding factor. Tepper seemed to be a guy big on analytics and with that being the case, what numbers do they have to go off of for shorter qbs. Frank mentioned that and if you move to 1, you can't have as many risk. If we had the number 1 pick from the start, I'd say it be more of a chance to get Young but being that the gap between the 2 is very minimal, Stroud will be the pick! You not going to give up that many assets and be 2nd guessing if your qb gonna get hurt and how to scheme an offense so he can stay healthy! I'm going to support whoever it is tho!
  22. It could be that they don't need much to know about the other 2! I mean I think they know who Stroud n Levi are(for better or worse) and have more questions about Stroud (height durability) and Richardson (football IQ) as well. Then again it could just be travel logistics mixed in as well.
  23. I'm not against Young but I hate when people say that picking Stroud is the safer qb! Stroud has legit talent and it behooves me that so many will say that Young is head and shoulders better with IQ! I see 2 good prospects and 1(Stroud) who looks to project to be a problem for teams! He could carve people up from the pocket if this staff got their hands on him. Young has all the magic you like to see but after watching Russell flame out... I'm always going to go with Stroud 1st. I'll root for either but man I got a gut feeling CJ is going to be around for a long time!!
  24. Which honestly makes me wonder also about a possible tight end there. It's a chance that Kincaid and Washington are there and I'm sure they will have high grades. Washington also checks off weapon and protection. There will be a good/possible starter at 39.
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