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Everything posted by Derp

  1. Not trying to be that guy, but you have zero credibility. Beyond just having no check, nobody serious about this field is going to put their pronouns/gender in their description/bio. You're a Panthers fan on the opposite side of the country? Must have some good sources out there with those Bills fans. You write for a Panther-themed 'website', but immediately separate your opinions/takes from them. You put out insider information that apparently not even Schefter has, and yet you claim you aren't a source? And then you put it out there? Surprised nobody's called out all the contradictions when your twitter feed is loaded with "Could, potentially, may," etc. Clearly words distancing yourself from the blowback if you're wrong. "This is entirely made up, in case you couldn't tell. Confirmed it not to be the case." Not a source? "I do not have any info on Watson right now. I will update you when I do." Not a source? "The feeling in the Carolina building was described to me as "optimistic"." Not a source? Not a source? There's a ton more, too. You can't not be a source and report 'insider information. Smells fishy.
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