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Everything posted by Vijiba

  1. First, where are you pulling this from without linking it? Isn't that kind of bad mannered. So... the Panthers are low, the Washington Commanders are high. Maybe we should have listened to Hurney and traded up for Herbert. Would have definitely changed the direction of this franchise, hitting on a third franchise quarterback in 20 years. Might have had a chance at another Super Bowl or at least an NFC championship. We're stuck now. No assets, no cap space, no rookies that even look that promising unless you take Horn's minute sample size vs some of the worst quarterbacks in the NFL. Right now you're gloating over Hurney being gone while we're still winning 5 games, and have nothing in sight to save us. We have an idiot owner, and even dumber coach, and a GM who is either a total moron too, or a yes men to fools. Again, in one off-season without Hurney we lost half our draft, most of our cap space, and signed more free agents busts than I can ever recall. But you guys don't actually care. It's just a weird group think here, for some reason you need a witch to burn, someone to point a finger at. It's probably why last off-season most of the posters here who are gleefully gloating were so positive at the prospect of trading away half a draft for a certified bust, signing awful offensive tackles, and then giving out a 20 million option to that bust.
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