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Everything posted by NCTHFL0567

  1. It's been told that is false X20, and that guys account is a troll account.
  2. That old school mentality. If Watson doesn't come here, you do know we'll have another 5 win season on our hands right? Plus the Rams traded for all of this: QB1, RB2, CB1, WR2, DE1, and OLB1.
  3. He's about to get everything he can ask for from us. Going to be interesting that's for damn sure.
  4. Damn. It's easy to see the people that don't like Watson are the same ones that think he's not a top 5 QB. LOL.
  5. That's what I thought. That was Allbrights main reason for pinning his Tweet. We're giving DeShaun every Huddlers house, side house, and their side pieces house.
  6. Hasn't it been stated that Carolina is the Texans top choice because we're giving up the most? Thought it was.
  7. I see you haven't paid attention to his actual stats. I see you're completely one sided on this. You probably think building through the draft is the best route, no? Let me break this down for you, since you're older and still think that's the best route to winning a Championship. The current SB winners have traded or signed. Their QB1, RB2, CB1, WR2, DE1, and OLB1. Sure. They drafted some capital. But none of them were as important as QB1. But I digress.
  8. It's already been said he's not going to Philly. At least it's been reported.
  9. Watson was a top 5 QB before he sat out last year. Thinking he wasn't is pretty bad.
  10. Don't blame the Canes, nor Raanta for that L. Hard to beat a team 3 times in a row in the Playoffs, much less in the Regular Season. Plus, the short layoff damn sure didn't help.
  11. Common sense, but still not good. You're probably light years ahead of Darnold.
  12. Exactly. It's wild that some still think that's factor. Just wild.
  13. Yeah, but they would still have a top 5 QB. While we have Darnold, and possibly Malik Willis that would start next year at some point. We're just so much better (sarcasm). And everyone talking about cap room. They've been in cap "hell" for how long? And what's happened? Nothing. That thought is dumb at this point. Utterly stupid.
  14. Of course. It's easy to "kick the can" when you have that in place though. Now they're paying too much money for a combo of poop and a poop sandwich at QB. Kind of like us with Darnold.
  15. Yep. That's why I find it funny when people talk about how the Lions looked "good" at the end of the season. Goff can't win at a high level unless everything is perfect around him. Period.
  16. Peyton and Brees retiring/leaving. Very curious if they are able to keep winning games. Easy to do so when you have two HOFers at the coaching position and QB position.
  17. Maybe. But they still have Goff at QB. To win big with him, as has been proven. You need to have everything perfect around him.
  18. Bingo, good sir. A great QB fixed with a great HC. Crazy how that works huh?
  19. Panthers have the weapons. They just need to fix the O-Line. That would be well enough a good team to make the Playoffs. So yeah.............
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