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Everything posted by csx

  1. Pretty much every aspect was answered in the interview. its interesting that posts are still referencing ifs and questions. I must say I think a little less of him for the little game he played yesterday.
  2. Maybe he treats people who he likes like friends better than people who he isnt as close to because that is how humans generally interact.
  3. I wonder what what he did to make them not want to bend over backwards like they do for others.
  4. Manufacturing drama, which is about 90% of what they do. People eat it up.
  5. Sure, you can look at it that way but as an agent who directly profits off of the deal I would think that is all the motivation they would need.
  6. I wouldn't call it ego. I call it their job. Greed maybe but getting contracts for their clients is the primary purpose of agents. Getting favorable contracts get's them the top clients.
  7. I cant say I agree with this at all. I dont think many reasonable people outside of Panther fans would think Newton deserves more than Luck. If the team was more successful offensively with making him cary the load then you would have a better argument.
  8. His first year cap hit will not be the issue. Cam will get a healthy bonus that gets spread over the contract along with an escalating base.
  9. Yeah, the logo size and angle is bad.
  10. Thank u to those who support me. What I did was out of my character, but I guess after so long a woman really does get fed up. For all of you saying its my fault I stayed for 10 years... your right, but easier said than done when you love someone. It was really the death of our baby boy back in 2010 that made me stay... Promises of another baby, gifts, family, marriage, lies.... All really enticing to a girl who is already broken. The difference between then and now is age, maturity.. I am much stronger these days. Yes, I was hella weak and easily manipulated back in the day. I don't blame him entirely for being young, having money, and wanting his cake and eat it too.. But at this age, after 10 years, so many promises, and the start of a family I can no longer be weak. The last thing I want is our daughter to think it's ok or normal to be disrespected by a man. So it stops now, before she is born, one way or another. If we didn't love each other, we wouldn't have made it this far.. But love without trust, loyalty, or respect was bound to crumble. I made the move all the way to TN for him.. To love and support him like I always have. I told him all I want is trust loyalty and respect for one year.. If he could do that then I would marry him. But he failed, and I'm disgusted at this point. I want my daughter to have a father.. I want what every woman wants... Family, stability, trust. Lord knows..
  11. I'm inclined to believe his is quite guilty of doing her very wrong. No female would make up being dumped while pregnant for the fun of it. Who is convicting him?
  12. He can act however he wants. The problem seems to be you dont want to accept that.
  13. It boils down to "Why do you keep stating a reasonable opinion that is different than mine?"
  14. Hardy wont be released. His Franchise tag will expire.
  15. Probably similar to the reason you keep arguing your take on the article. Its the internet and people argue their opinions.
  16. The player has to accept. It seems like something the union wouldnt have a big problem with because it keeps the salaries and dues flowing.
  17. I dont think the NFL intended for the exempt list to be used for drug offenses. It is for unusual circumstances according to this:http://blogs.denverpost.com/broncos/files/2014/09/Screen-Shot-2014-09-17-at-11.39.40-AM-495x378.png
  18. It doesnt sound like his players didnt like him. http://www.ninersnation.com/2014/12/29/7459371/49ers-players-react-to-jim-harbaughs-departure
  19. One thing for sure is that those guys making the decisions are privy to more info than we can ever attain via Google.
  20. I still doubt he comes back but it doesnt sound like a foregone conclusion anymore.
  21. You should reread the article. It not only says many teammates but names one. It also says team leaders with an 's'. "Hardy is getting some help from the locker room. Many of his teammates want him back, and some are starting to lean on Jerry Richardson. That support is coming from more players than just cornerback Josh Norman, who’s made it clear he wants Hardy back. We’re talking team leaders, guys who have Richardson’s ear. The Panthers owner has been ready to cut bait with Hardy for months, but he’s also a man willing to listen. That doesn’t mean he’ll change his mind, but he will listen."
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