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Everything posted by csx

  1. Neither is it cool to simply complain about everything. Gettleman knew what he had in Bell. He has been a scout damn hear his entire career. I hope you don't think that the keyboard scouts here know more about player evaluation than the professionals. Do you really think he would make public statements to disparage him?
  2. He's pretty much stating exactly what we all know to be the case but for some reason some want to complain about it. He "can be an answer". He is a guy we can use on either side and allows us some flexibility in the draft and in how they develop any rookie tackle they may take. I don't see how this is a controversial statement to some.
  3. It sort of sounds like he's a bit picky about what scheme he want to play in. It's obviously his right to do so though.
  4. It's March 11. Less than 24 hours into free agency. 9 out of 10 people here would have said we wouldn't make a first wave signing. We knew we wouldn't and discussed it for at least a month. Now we have people flipping out about it. What about being a fan of a team caused people to turn off their brain? Are we collectively this stupid in other areas of our lives or just in terms of our teams?
  5. It's as if they don't realize other people not only notice but remember how much they contradict themselves over time.
  6. Would it make you happy for them to make giant stupid moves just to make headlines?
  7. Not terribly exciting but he did have a decent year in 13.
  8. Why do we have to go through the forced outrage everytime the obvious is restated?
  9. Now that you mention it....that very well could be what the NFL is investigating. What exactly are you arguing anyway? Right or wrong he is likely going yo face some sort of discipline. You are arguing with me like you think I want that to happen. I sm just saying the NFL will not let this go.
  10. you read the news that covers these detailshttp://www.charlotteobserver.com/incoming/article10422650.html
  11. I believe owners will start to care if it keeps being used regularly. They are the ones paying the penalty.
  12. The DA announced when the case was dropped they had reliable info a settlement was reached. If they were opperating under that understanding the its pretty safe to say that it happened. Have you been following this outside of this thread?
  13. Ben Roethlisberger, 6 game suspension after the DA dropped the charges. It happens.
  14. Regardless of what anybody thinks the NFL has a precedent of suspension without a conviction. This is a fact that you cannot argue out of existence.
  15. Nickel is our base. It's used about 75% of the snaps. http://www.heraldonline.com/2014/10/07/6399039/panthers-follow-trend-adjust-to.html
  16. Do you feel gender bias is a big deal only when it goes against males?
  17. That whole segment is there way of getting around proof. It says it doesnt matter if you are convicted. Im just the messenger here.
  18. You have seen Cops right? They always say "someone is going to jail here" This doesnt equate exactly but there is reason for it. Im not saying the process doesnt have flaws.
  19. In the case of real abuse how can a thorough investigation be carried out immediately? Its a tradeoff that gives real victims some protection and allows them to report the abuser without fear of reprocussions. Its not perfect but that is the reasoning for the tradeoff.
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