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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. Calling water wet is one thing. Repeating it over and over and over and over is a shtick.
  2. Why would Tepper say that? Tepper was directly addressing the narrative that Rhule's authority was diminished and the new coach hirings were forced or decided from above. This Qanon theory is so pervasive here on the huddle despite articles stating the opposite, Fitt stating the opposite, Tepper stating the opposite, and the fact that Rhule's contract has not changed. Tepper went out of his way to say the exact opposite. I guess they're all lying. Its a conspiracy. They even edited Panthers Confidential to hide Rhule's disdain for drafting an LT at 6. Thank God Fit won that battle.
  3. He's just looking for any dig he can find on Mac and right now his shtick is he was a bad OC when he was also HC. He tried the lame route of saying Coughlin helped Mac when he was OC, but the actual reporting and data just does NOT support that mindless jibberish. If the O flounders this year he'll do an "I told you so" and if it does better he'll say its just because of of new OL or Corrall or CMC didn't get hurt. He's really really really mad that Brady didn't get the coddling, nurturing and hugs he needed to grow into the "super-talented" OC he was meant to be. Poor Joe Brady. I will never understand his undying love for Joe Brady.
  4. Nobody is denying it when he was HC. You are arguing with yourself.
  5. https://giantswire.usatoday.com/2017/03/27/new-york-giants-have-questioned-ben-mcadoo-over-calling-offensive-plays/ From your very own article: "There’s no denying that McAdoo seemed overwhelmed with the dual duties" But you go ahead and chase your tail denying it.
  6. You asked the question: "I guess there is one more question to ask….how involved was Tom Coughlin" I answered it.
  7. Coughlin was hands off. This is the Ben McAdoo show. It's his offense, and Giants coach Tom Coughlin is going to let his new coordinator handle the heavy lifting during the game. "If he needs any help, I'm here," Coughlin said. "I've been a play-caller. To be honest, I never liked anyone interrupting me. " BTW Coughlin was HC in 2013 when the O was ranked 28th.
  8. Mac took the 28th-highest-scoring offense in 2013 to 13th in 2014. In 2015, they became the 6th. In 2016, his first year as HC they went 11-5 and went to the playoffs. OBJ and a bunch of other guys got injured in 2017, and they royally sucked when they were expected for a deep playoff run. Eli was benched for Geno, snapping Eli's record for consecutive games, and there was talk of Eli leaving. After that, they fired Mac going 2-10 that year. Mac has been a very successful OC, something Brady NEVER was. Most of the HC heat was losing games and benching a beloved QB. The "being too predictable" thing was last year's Panthers entire offensive playbook. Robbie and multiple opposing CB's literally said it out loud.
  9. They experimented with him at nearly every position last year. Center is all that's left, unless they're putting him in the backfield.
  10. I don't give a shlt how long his incompletions were, which is in IAY. CAY is COMPLETED AIR YARDS, and by that stat he 13th best. You discount the other stats but you are SOOO worried about how long his incompletions were. Yeah, you know what you're talking about. Whatever
  11. You mean other than they still don't know where to put him? They knew we needed a LT last year. They drafted this guy. They then proceed to put him at RT behind Moton. WTF. The thought process on the OL has been haphazard and random, at one point even trying Moton at LT. It was a disaster.
  12. Its shlt like this that makes you wonder what the hell they're thinking with the OL or if its just random crap at this point.
  13. https://nextgenstats.nfl.com/stats/passing#average-completed-yards He has the 13th LONGEST air yards per completion at 5.9, longer than Herbert, Murray, Ryan, Brady and yes Bridgewater. You can mindlessly hate the guy. I don't care. We will win more games with him. The 9ers lose when he doesn't play.
  14. The 9ers are 31-14 with JimmyG. Shanahan is 8-28 without JimmyG. They went to the Super Bowl and 2 NFC Championship games in the last 3 years. He had the 9th highest passer rating at 98.7 last year. Higher than Mahomes, Herbert, Josh Allen, and Tannehill. Naaah. We're too good for him. Whatever.
  15. Actually you're the one with the strange notion that if QB moves on, he must suck. I listed a bunch examples. You then clung to team evaulation, and I pointed out how the 9ers have fncked up eval before. JimmyG is a good QB. Right now we have Sam, possibly the worst in the league, and 3rd round rookie. JimmyG would be a much better mentor for Corral. We will win more games with JimmyG.
  16. According to you, this is the same team that passed on Brady. Now you think they're smart. Make up your mind.
  17. No you do. The 9ers overpaid for Lance and are now committed to him as their starting QB. Jimmy wants to start so they're going to let him go. Jimmy was 9th in PR (ahead of Mahomes) and 13th in QBR (one spot behind Burrow) last year. Hes a good QB. Sam is not. We win more games with Jimmy.
  18. I'm confused. I thought teams didn't make mistakes and if we can get JimmyG its because he sucks. JimmyG>>>>Sam. We will win more games with Jimmy.
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