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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. If that was true, we should have won, because after 59 minutes we had the lead. If the game ended at 59 minutes we would have been declared the winner. You're trying to explain away the importance of game management, clutch performance, GWDs and 4th quarter comebacks just so you can lay the entire cause of the loss at Rhules feet. Rhule fncked up big on Sunday, but the refs decided the winner.
  2. LOL Bad example dude. They actually changed the rule that year on review for pi/no pi. The point is valid tho. Nobody gives shlt what anybody posts about anything on this board. You can spit in the wind all you want here, Tepper will fire Rhule when he is gd good and ready. Right now, if he's reading it, he's laughing at all of us.
  3. We had the lead at the end of 59 minutes, so that is patently false. Arguing that we should always have an insurmountable lead with a minute left shows a lack of understanding of the modern NFL. The last minute got us the L, with a lot of help from the refs. BTW time to settle up. Here's your avatar: Enjoy!
  4. Figures. You've gotten really good at those animated gifs. You've been practicing.
  5. Sometimes you use that draft pick on a kicker.... and actually keep him.
  6. Yeah, it works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't. Of all the things we did wrong, that's near the bottom of the list. Reports said York took a practice shot from that distance and missed. That rookie said he adjusted based on the wind and that earlier kick.
  7. If we won we would have more posts accentuating the positives and there would be less celebration/victory laps from the haters. They say they don't, but some people really really want us to lose and they get all giddy with every loss. Losses = End of Rhule. In the end, Rhule still screwed up, the D couldn't stop the run, and the O looked lifeless in the early game. Complaints on this board about Rhule will never stop until he gets a lot of wins, and so far, he hasn't gotten many. Even if Rhule is fired it won't stop. It will transition to how bad he WAS. We'll mostly move on to beat the living tar out of whoever the next coach is, if we're not in the SB by year 3.
  8. The part I don't get, is why CMC up the gut on the next down. I get the fumbled snap blew things up. But surely there could have been another run that would have had a better chance for more yards to set up shot for first down.
  9. True. Package<> Formation and we varied formation and players on Sunday. In NY, I think McAdoo even used the same formation though.
  10. Its true that McAdoo loved using the same packages in NY. A lot of our stumbles early didn't seem to be package related. The fumbled snaps and holding penalties killed drives. On O it looks like we weren't prepared enough. Rhule's excuse was we only had our QB for month. Which is true. But if that's the reason, how many weeks is enough time fix it?
  11. The one that hit his shin was clearly Elf. One was definitely Baker. The ones under center are hard to tell so I guess they default to QB?
  12. Yeah, though we should have stacked the box much more than we did. In the end, the run D played a major part in that loss yesterday and Snow refused to stack the box and force Brissett to throw. He did the same thing last year. He's going to learn, or we are going to lose. Rhule will never fire him. He will go when Rhule does.
  13. So you can't. Just as I expected. I think Chucky hit his head. I really think he was smarter before.
  14. Wait I missed where you explained how Elflien is not only the best lineman on Sunday, but one of the best players on the team. Go on. I'll wait.
  15. A bit for sure. But Sam threw an int on the first play of the game. Didn't we block a punt in that game? Seems like D scored. But the O didn't recover until the final 2 minutes in the Vikings game.
  16. The same goes for games. Generally Matt Rhule teams look best in the first quarter.
  17. Thats the Browns. They were the ones bailed out by the refs. We just want them to call a fair game. There are a lot of people here on team Zebra.
  18. Haters like him need to be checked. He's going to be polishing the refs and Giants knobs all week. Very troll-like.
  19. Pie. Sorry I'm out. Yes he is obsessed. Its a true infatuation. The guy needs help.
  20. You're still infatuated with Rhule. Rhule sucked yesterday. This thread is about the refs, you know the guys in black in white whose ass your lips are attached to.
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