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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. At some point, sure. We replaced a guy with 5 wins a season with a guy who got 3 wins. He then fired the coordinator of a decent D and kept the inept coordinator of the absolute worst O in the NFL. Those of you predicting Wilks is gonna turn this around are funny. We needed to be rid of Rhule and that's good. But you are what your record says you are. Wilks is a tanker.
  2. Its true, you don't need to tank to find your franchise guy. However, there were 3 men on the coaching staff with HC experience. We selected the only who has successfully tanked for the overall #1 pick. He then proceeded to fire the coordinator of a decent D and keep the coordinator of a absolutely putrid O. We're tanking.
  3. Uh huh. And we're awesome? Keeping McAdoo is the type of move that will get him fired, again.
  4. And McAdoo is attached to Wilks? My point is, McAdoo needs to go.
  5. Firing the coach of a decent performing D but keeping the coach of a putrid performing O is the type of move that Wilks got fired for when he tanked for Muray in Arizona. Its a good question. Why would he do that?
  6. If Wilks keeps Mcadoo but fires Snow, it will be clear we are tanking just like he did in Arizona.
  7. I would expect similar results to what he did in Arizona.
  8. Charlotte is a transplant city. Lots of people moving here. Talking to the other tailgaters, most are transplants who support their former home team. The fact that we suck is just making a bad situation worse.
  9. Well that was a shlt show. The 9ers fans outnumbered us both in tailgating and the stadium. They were clearly the better team. Baker played like complete shlt, yet again. Total tear down and rebuild appears imminent.
  10. Miracle is the correct term. I appreciate the optimism. The problem is we've seen no signs of life on O. In Baker and McAdoo's best seasons they started crappy. That is about the only shlty card we've got. But that is just like arguing that we're not mathematically eliminated. That may be true, but we haven't shown that we can win games. I'm still not rooting for us to lose.
  11. Do you realize who we would have to beat to make it into the playoffs? We essentially have to win 4 of these games: 9ers ,Broncos, Ravens, 2xBucs, Rams, Bengals, Saints And sweep these: 2x Atlanta, Seattle, Steelers, Lions You're seriously frightened that is going to happen?
  12. Hoping that McAdoo might be able to repeat what he did as OC in NY was not unreasonable. I admit he has been a big disappointment so far and I have posted on other threads that those who predicted the Baker/McAdoo experiment to fail appear to be right. I'll take solace in the fact that I have snips of your new avatar defending Joe Brady. I'm not joining in the Rhule hate because that horse is gone, all that is left is horse splatter that we will beat the shlt out of, probably until the end of time. I saw no point in it before and I see no point in it now. Tepper is going to do what he is going to do. Calling Brady "super-talented" earned you the avatar. You can try to distract with McAdoo and Rhule, but your Brady fetish got you the avatar.
  13. This is revisionist history. You didn't concede Brady sucked until after 20 pages across a bunch of threads where you argued that he was "super talented." You insisted that Brady was a scapegoat, arguing that he contributed nothing to the suckage and he was victim of Darnold and Rhule. He was inexpereienced, didn't know what he was doing, ran the same routes over and over and couldn't scheme a run game. He has never been a good OC anywhere.
  14. Mr. Completely. And I'm having this conversation now with myself to cover my tracks.
  15. I'm not MIA. Dude we exchanged posts after the Cardinal's game. You were celebrating our loss, remember?
  16. I chose the Brady pic because you simply could not stop talking about him. If someone trashed that inexperienced child, you would rush into the conversation, derail the thread and talk about how "super talented" Joe Brady was. He was NEVER a good OC ANYWHERE. You won't admit it now, but you absolutely love Joe Brady.
  17. Chuba absolutely sucks. His contribution today was yet another kick return, which he dropped ( and picked up) and a penalty on special teams. He is ass. Chuba should be on the PS or gone. He should not be dressing. His play is total ass. Find absolutely anyone else. I hate watching his butterfingered horrid play.
  18. Baker never pumps and we are throwing right a lot. Its making it way to easy for the line.
  19. You mean why didn't I constantly hate on the team before we played a single snap? I'm not that kind of "fan".
  20. Its a big pile of shlt. The O is nonexistent. We probably have the worst O in the NFL. Baker's play is ass. Those predicting the Baker/McAdoo experiment would fail have been right and even if it eventually turns around, it will be too late to save the season. Those praying for losses and a tank are getting their wish.
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