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Posts posted by poundaway

  1. Just now, Basbear said:

    No I am not. i have higher concerns.

    There isnt one like young thats gotten injuried, why? welllll they dont make the 63 roster.....you can go back the 60s and young may finally have equal size and weight.

    He is tiny and small and short. Hes the farrrrest away form the typical size or even average size, IN everything arms, height, weight, etc. That is my issue or issues. Hes a far out out-layer. 


    But surely the smallest qb's up until now got hurt at a higher rate cause they're too small.  Right?  And yet you can't name one.

    Is it possible, just possible, that there's little correlation between size and injury, or even the slightest chance that injury INCREASES with weight as the analysis shows.... because when you fall, all that extra weight creates stress on the  joints, particularly shoulders when they try to brace the fall?

    I understand the conventional wisdom.  But theres no anecdotes, data or analysis to support it. Young, just like Wilson, Brees and Murray will probably shatter it, yet again.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Basbear said:

    wilson is a wizard.

    If you tell me young will be a eel wizard and panthers will have the top rushing attack and best scoring D.......young could work. 

    Cam being out is mainly due to Cam and not the bum shoulder. Cam also could have found a true treacher about learn how to throw with correct mechanics..... wilson also has never ran power drives like cam, he had better coaches...another not Cam fault and lucky for wilson. Cam could also still be in the NFL as a Backup but personality is too high.  

    You can compare the two, they are totally different. Ones is the luckierst eel wizard and the other is TINY!



    You're saying smaller QBs get hurt.  I'm asking you to name one that got hurt because he was small.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Basbear said:

    wilson in the 3rd cam 1st overall

    1 SB for wilson and 0 cam

    You are wrong for comparing wilson to young, different beast. 

    Wilson also had the best rushing team average for like 4 years add that it over lapped with with having the top scoring Defense for like 5 years. Thats about all the help a decent QB needs.\

    Heres is wilson web compare it to youngs-




    Bigger hands, longer arms and look at those speed numbers, wilson was allllllllllllllllllllllll that and hes truly 205+. He was also the leagues best at broken plays and never taking a big hit.....it was like he was covered in grease. 

    So to end this, I do not like the wilson comparison. Young is tiny and small, alll of him. We dont even know his 3cone or 40 cause he couldnt run while water logged......Hes tiny, allll of him. He maybe slow or mid too....

    I swear to all things holy, if a new "test" got hot cause the best team in the NFL put the last pick at QB and won some....fuging tepper, I swear, you better not fuccck this up...listen to the real football guys...

    So which small QB are you pointing to who's career ended early because he was smaller?

  4. 41 minutes ago, frankw said:

    You are being disingenuous. There are people all across the draft process who are also sharing concerns. That does not mean they think he will instantly be injured but whether or not he will be able to sustain a decade plus long career. You don't have to like it but that's a legitimate question sir.

    Size is a legit question which people can disagree on.  You regularly use hyperbole to promote your straw man arguments.  "Dived off a cliff",  "walk on water" are hyperbole straw man.   You do it a lot, dude, and when called out on it you downplay your exaggeration.

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