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Posts posted by poundaway

  1. 24 minutes ago, PanthersGOATFan336 said:

    I get it you like Bryce but he doesn't seperate himself enough to say he's going to be a top 5 qb from stroud who has less concerns..

    Yes.  Yes he does.

    And the analysis shows that bigger QBs get hurt more dude.  Our experience has show that.

    Bryce is clearly more elusive in the pocket and is FAR superior under pressure.

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  2. 31 minutes ago, stan786 said:

    How long does Bryce need to go uninjured for people to not say I told you so if he gets hurt? A season? Two? Or are you gonna be holding it in the chamber until it happens?

    Its a waste of time.  They say the same thing over and over. 

    Let me just say, if we take Stroud and HE gets hurt and Bryce doesn't,  there will be shlt storm too because the reason we took Stroud over Bryce's superior play was because of "durability" concerns, even though the analysis and our history clearly show that the bigger QB gets hurt more. 

    I'm willing to bet Stroud gets hurt before Bryce simply because he is less slippery in the pocket.   


  3. 14 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    Are the trade down rumors just bull crap right now? Sounds like they are pretty locked in with their choice.

    Shouldn't they be locked in?   They have years of tape, the pro-days and combine.  They've met these players, talked to their coaches and know their game inside and out.

    The playbook has been made.    They could have written it for 3 potential QBs, but I doubt it.   


  4. So I was fully expecting Ryan Day to say something somewhere publicly after this came out to disavow the statement that Stroud isn't easy to coach.  It's in Ohio States best interest to have the #1 overall come from their team after all and Day's worked with Stroud.

    Has anybody heard Day, or the OC or QB coach say something in response? 

  5. 7 minutes ago, KSpan said:

    I'm not saying he's lying or anything but what else is he really going to say? Luke is not going to talk bad about anyone.

    If Luke truly thought Young was a mistake, he'd say nothing.

    Luke may be a Panthers puppet just saying whatever they tell him to, but I doubt it.

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  6. 2 hours ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    theres been like 2 in modern era under 6ft.  Murray being the most recent and he hasnt completed a full season yet.


    Now ask yourself why have there only been 2 qbs under 6ft to play qb in the modern era if size doesnt matter?

    Easy.  Bias.  Its rampant on here. The size queens are like Rhule and his longer arm shlt.

    Now you ask yourself, why haven't the smallest QBs, whatever size they were, getting hurt more?  Name some examples of the 6 ft QB who got hurt because he was 6 foot. 

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