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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. Its pointless. Theres just a bunch a huddlers who are in tank-the-season mode already...so much that they can't see the difference between JimmyG and Sam.
  2. Comparing post season stats to someones regular season stats is like comparing college level stats to the NFL. JimmyG has not done well in the post season. He is pretty good in the regular season. Sam sucks in the regular season, and can't spell post season. Sam might not know that there is a post season.
  3. I would be surprised if we went into the draft at 6. I'm guessing we will have already traded down before the draft begins. If Fit plays his cards right, we could walk out with a 1 and 2nd round OT and QB.
  4. Oh he's earned derision. He sucks. There are some here who want to roll with this guy this year to get back at Rhule. I want to move on.
  5. Darnold sucks. We know. Mods normally lock kicked threads like this. I'm sure they won't this time because they desperately hopelessly LOVE the topic. We should kick one about Rhule and one about Tepper too and feed that fetish.
  6. Most mock him 2nd-3rd rounder. Seems like only NFL.com rated him that low.
  7. With their stated and historic aversion to drafting QBs, why wouldn't they offer a multi-year deal? They essentially gave Darnold a 2 year by picking up his 5th year.
  8. We're not discussing a potential deal. We're discussing a done deal gone wrong and who's at fault. If RH's plan was to stiff Tepper so they can get the rich guy, they cut off their nose. RH is the one who'll be stuck with an unfinished construction site if Tepper bails. I agree that municipalities shouldn't cut crony deals, not all deals are the same however. Cities routinely pay for roads, sewer and water for new development, business or otherwise. This deal is 1000x better than the payments for improvements to the BOA stadium.
  9. RH sure showed him. That's why they aren't panicking about an unfinished construction site that's going to sit idle. That's why they're running to the press whining how Tepper won't talk to them. Yup. They sure showed Tepper. That's why the county is rushing new funding plans. Tepper is going to let them stew for a while. If he pulls the plug, it will be RH's loss.
  10. Not arguing that Darnold hasn't had a disastrous career...he has. Last year was his last best shot...he started off pretty good and then reverted to the jets. He shouldn't be on the roster and was a downgrade from Bridgewater. Wilson was ass last year. He may become Darnold, he may become Allen. My bet is the former.
  11. I think the city, county and state plan to make the money back on income taxes and ripple economic activity, so they are getting a piece of the pie. As for the stadium upgrades, I don't know if Charlotte or NC ever saw a dime. That was govt giveaway.
  12. True...and Wilson may end up being an upgrade in the long run, though indications are that it will be a close race to the bottom. Its possible after coming in 33rd he'll rocket to the top to justify the #2 pick. I'm not holding my breath.
  13. TBF, the jets did use the #2 draft pick on someone who actually performed worse than Darnold. Darnold was 32nd in PR. Zack was 33rd. So there's that.
  14. sounds like your mind is made up...doesn't really matter what comes out now.
  15. The city was funding the project’s infrastructure, which includes roads, water, power lines and sewage. They do this for a lot of construction, including housing developments.... not just this one. Now when NC paid for upgrades to the stadium, that was a misuse of funds.
  16. Which is why I quoted a third party, the county councilman, who said RH couldn't meet its financial obligations, it was streteched thin and the money is due. His statement is backed up by the fact that the COUNTY if now finding the money to pay.
  17. And then Covid hit. John Getty is actually a good guy, its surprising to me to see the way they are handling it at this point. Its almost childish the way RH is trying to displace blame. Just be honest: "we thought we would be in better financial position, Covid hit, we're in worse...sorry about that. " Instead its: "we've met all obligations". If they've met all obligations, then why is the county saying they haven't? Why is the county holding meetings to find funding to cover RH's portion of the funding?
  18. Whatever fits with your world view I guess. Sometimes its hard to see thru all the Tepper hate. Tepper has made his share of fkups, but this one's on RH. Here is York Co. Councilman William Roddy: "I’ve been saying for years that Rock Hill has some financial issues. They’ve been stretched thin..the Panthers deal happened at the right time for York County, but not necessarily at the right time for the city of Rock Hill to be able to go out and secure such large bonds...Clearly, I think from a personal standpoint, it’s very disingenuous to make that statement publicly when you know they’ve been in contact and communications with the Panthers over $225 million dollars. That just doesn’t slip through the crack, that money was due.” https://www.wccbcharlotte.com/2022/03/08/city-of-rock-hill-continues-to-deny-missing-panthers-funding-deadline/ The first phase of the construction was slated to be completed in 2023, but the City of Rock Hill did not make its initial payment, which was due in March 2021, according to a source familiar with the situation. The company continued construction but never received the payment from the city. The awaited investment from the city was expected to fund the project’s infrastructure, which includes roads, water and power lines and sewage, the source said. TS&E will continue to pay all the workers on the site and extend their wages a week from the moment the project is paused. The deadline for the bonds to be issued was October 2020, but was pushed back to Feb. 26, 2021. Without the $225 million in bonds there is “a high risk necessary infrastructure objectives will not be met,” Hart wrote in the email. https://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/sports/nfl/article259156918.html What an asshole. That dick Tepper continued with construction for a ****** year while waiting for a payment from RH. What an ass. Hate that guy.
  19. RH missed a deadline to issue bonds, the deadline was extended, they missed that too. They were talking that whole time. Then they pointed fingers at Tepper. The real sad part, there were a lot of communities around Charlotte who would love to have this project and wouldn't keep dicking the Panthers around, default on their obligations, blame everyone but themselves, and then complain that Tepper won't keep talking with them when all they want to talk about is how they aren't going to meet their obligations...and "hey you're a billionaire could you cover it?" Its a dick move. Tepper should have chosen a different community. Its clear whatever RH is offering at this point, it will be hard to trust them.
  20. Yeah, I keep landing on Raimann too... if we were to trade down. I'm impressed with the guy, its unusual for a TE to beef up enough to be LT, but he did and then kicked ass.
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