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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. https://www.si.com/nfl/panthers/gm-report/draftkings-releases-point-spreads-for-all-17-panthers-games Draft kings has us favored in 5 games. One is the home opener Saint's primetime game, by -1.
  2. And we're starting down 1 OLman and another coming off injury. Last year we were 16th in YBC, 6th in pressure% and 6th in pocket time. Everyone says our run blocking is better than pass pro, but the stats tell a different story.
  3. Yeah, had you spelled moore differently you could have said it was Chark or Johnson. Oops.
  4. Fields has no excuses this year. We'll see. As for DJ, he didn't even cross 1k last year. He had 888 yards. Thielen had 716 on fewer attempts with 1/3 the drop rate and more first downs. I'm not saying Thielen is as good as DJ. I'm saying the production drop off isn't as extreme as the salary drop off.
  5. This is probably the deepest WR class we've had in recent memory. Low drop rates, a couple speedsters, and a couple YAC big guys. Will a true #1 emerge from this group with this OC and OL? That'd be nice.
  6. For me its just so much change with a rookie QB, that I think we start slow. With a front loaded schedule, it is not out of the realm of possibility that we start 0-6 and things get ugly around here. I'm not predicting that, but if we choke again on prime time, its possible.
  7. It has been said many times that Horn, Jackson, and Henderson are all good CB. Jackson and Henderson were pretty poor last year. Horn can't stay healthy.
  8. LOL. You forgot to subtract the value of the 9 pick. They didn't just give us the 1 outright. We swapped ones. And we had to make up the difference in with other picks. The value we had to make up was 3000-1350=1650. That's 20%. You're just plain off dude. The standard is to subtract a round for out years due to the uncertainty and time. A 1st round pick in 2050 is NOT worth the same as today dude. It just isn't. https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/la9tda/how_much_value_do_future_draft_picks_hold/ Your math sucks and you clearly have no clue how to value future picks. Done wasting my time with you.
  9. LOL That 2nd was more than 10% of the trade value. Apparently you do not understand that future picks are worth LESS than current picks due to uncertainty and the value of time. You have to subtract a round for each out year. Most people believe DJ Moore saved us a 2025 1st, which would be equiv to a 3rd rounder this year, the 24 1st is worth a 2nd this year. The 25 2nd is worth a 4th this year. So in order to swap 1sts this year, the Bears charged us draft points worth two 2nds, a 3rd and 4th this year. CMC's second was not 10% by any stretch. I do agree we could have given up Mingo to do the trade, but we didn't. We used CMC's second.
  10. lol Didn't say that. The CMC trade definitely contributed to it. Say what you want, the biggest pick we got for CMC went to pay for Young.
  11. CMC participated in 1 win from 6 games last year. Historically Moore and Thielen have been on par, we'll see if age catches up with Thielen this year. Last year DJ dropped 5.9% of his passes. Thielen dropped 1.9%. Reich>>> Rhule. Evero>>>Holcomb. Building on 7 wins, there's reason to hope that we are a playoff team. But there is just so much change this year with a lot of moving parts and a rookie QB. It seems we should start slow and we start the schedule with division games. If we win the first two games, we should be a force to contend with. I get the optimism. I also understand the caution.
  12. Q:Your thoughts on Bryce young at five foot ten. Brown :I never cared about it. It was never an issue in my opinion just for me. I evaluate tape. We're still playing football. If we were in a competition for the tallest the biggest the fastest the strongest like it's an overall combine deal then maybe I would.
  13. Jackson didn't look great last year. Henderson looked worse. We should have kept Gilmore. Horn can't stay healthy. CB is not the strength some around here think it is.
  14. lol Yeah, Simms is off a lot. And when he misses.....
  15. Cam had Stewart, DeAngelo, Olsen, Smitty, Kalil, Gross, Hardy, Johnson. There was a lot of talent on that team, some of the greatest Panthers of all time.
  16. This is not NFCS of 2022. Atlanta, Saints and Buc did not stand still, huge changes in the division. 7.5 sounds like a reasonable guess. New HC, DC, Wr1,Wr2,RB, TE, injured OL, rookie OC, rookie QB, rookie WR#?, injured CB new base D scheme.....a LOT of moving parts. It seems unlikely that we'll hit the ground running week 1 (on the road against a division rival). If we do, look out.
  17. Its not blind. Its just optimism. We're cheering on our new QB. As for the S2roud and Levis worship of yours. Talk about blind optimism... for other teams QBs.
  18. No, you're just the latest. We've had months of posts about it. You are free to post. Others are free to react. The only study on injury says not only is size not a real concern, smaller is actually an advantage. The anecdotes (Cam, Wilson, PJ Coral) confirm it. When asked for examples of smaller players getting hurt because they are smaller, and the injury can be attributed to his size, no examples were given. The same goes to data shown for batted balls. In the end, its just bias, or more accurately, biased bullshlt. The problem isn't that Young is small, its that some people are small minded.
  19. True. But I'd also doubt that they would trade up to #1 to draft a QB either. It would be another Jordan Love situation, on roids.
  20. The size concerns won't die here until Young is winning because some people are butthurt when we didn't chose the QB they wanted. If we are losing, any Young mistakes/hiccups/injuries will be blamed on his size. If we are winning, the "size concerns" will die down. PJ Walker was on this team last year and next to no one was complaining about his size. How often before the games were people terrified that PJ might get hurt? Most of the jokes were about he how he "never lost".
  21. I'm not saying Young has a awesome arm. His arm strength is midling. Few QB's have Allen's arm. You're just overestimating the importance of being able to throw 60+ yards inaccurately. As I said Mahomes threw beyond 40 yards just 8 times last year. One completion at 57. How many of Mahomes' passes sailed longer than 60? If it is so important, surely someone tracks the vital stat.
  22. We had the quarterback who has thrown the longest ball in the history of the NFL. It was a 70.5 yard hail mary thrown against the Baltimore Ravens. It fell incomplete. His name is Baker Mayfield and he made that throw when he played for the Browns.
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