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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. Having your offense reliant on checkdowns to Hubbard is not a recipe for success. On one Bryce throw to Chubba in the Saints game, Chubba was so surprised he caught it, he tackled himself.
  2. Run game did not look good. Young did not look good. Play design and play calling did not look good. I was concerned with what I saw in preseason. I'm concerned with what I've seen in the first two games. Hopefully they'll turn it around.
  3. LOL Its the cost of doing business buddy. Sorry that it irks you so. I'm sure Horn has thicker skin.
  4. These athletes make big money to put up with/ or ignore fan comments, it is the cost of doing business in the spotlight. If the comments on the Huddle break Horns heart, just add that to list of breaks. JC Horn was the 8th player taken off the board and the first defensive player that year. He had a NON CONTACT foot injury that took him out his rookie year, and another NON CONTACT injury this year to sideline him for an unknown substantial amount of time. Add that to the injury last year. We invested heavily in him, and the roi hasn't been there because he hasn't been there. If any of us took a new job and then were unable to work 50% of the time, we'd be looking for work. Some people use the term bust to describe players who don't produce to their projection, including injury derailments. Others insist that the term bust must refer only to players who are on the field, but don't perform. In any case, its a busted 1st round pick to date, and there doesn't appear to be much hope for that to turn around.
  5. Remember when people kept saying we would have beaten the Bucs last year if Horn was healthy? Good times.
  6. Better things to do, as you post, again and again about it. LOL. Its fun to watch you just obsess over the guy. He's long gone and he's still mind mangling you.
  7. There was and you posted it here. Forgettin stuff?
  8. With the Rhule hype vids? Doubt it.
  9. or like keeping his pick for GM...an argument you are still making. Post any Rhule hype vids lately? Good luck with that.
  10. They both suck. Horn is only as good as his backup, because thats who plays.
  11. Fields doesn't play bad on every play and Horn hasn't been perfect on every play. On balance, I'd rather have the first round pick who plays. Can't wait to not see Horn play on Monday, again.
  12. He's played a lot more than Horn.
  13. Horn when healthy is only on par with Surtain. Many draftniks had Surtain higher. I believe Horn was the first D player off the board. How many more games does JC Hurt have to miss before we can call it a bust?
  14. Availability trumps all. Horn is worthless unless he is on the field. He has missed more games than he has played going on 3 years. He barely played Sunday. Overall, to date, it has been a wasted 8th overall pick.
  15. Horn has missed more games than he has played, letting teammates and fans down. I'd be fine with renewing on the cheap. If he expects much more than that, he'll be showing his true colors. Both this injury and the yr1 injuries were non-contact. WTAF.
  16. It is what it is. 2 ints and a fumble cost us the game. Bryce looked good at points and horrible at other points. As for the deep threat, when we did have the db beat deep, Young over threw it by a large margin. Complete one of those and they will take it seriously, even without Byrd or Chark. We also saw miscommunication between QB and WR multiple times in a game, again. Hopefully that doesn't take 8 games to clean up. I'm a Bryce fan, but I'm not polishing this turd. He laid an egg in this one. Hopefully he'll bounce back.
  17. Meh. He ran pretty good. Not sure what they were thinking with Chuba on 4 and 2. I really didn't see anything special that would make him anything more than the backup he is.
  18. Not impressed with play calling or design. Players still off on timing and out of sync. Did Reich get the memo that its not preseason anymore? BTW, surprised that this thread isn't locked too.
  19. Young did not look good. The ints were hard to watch. Not impressed with the O at all.
  20. Maybe. I'm curious what he looks like without Snow. But I agree he needs an O, starting with a QB.
  21. So Ickey gave up another sack in another partial preseason game. He has looked pretty bad in preseason, against some scrubs too. Hope he pulls it together.
  22. Your giant leap to "worst football team in Panthers history" is just lame.
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