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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. You think we'll keep 3? I was thinking PS.
  2. I didn't watch that one, but it looked like that entire thing was a tangent and was unprompted. Things are looking good.
  3. That a play from Bryces "worst game", that included a successful 2 min drill and setup the first TD in OT.
  4. I didn't say Young was flawless. I'm saying a game with constant scrambles because LSU rushes 6 over and over ended with a successful 2 min drill to take to OT and then Young sets up the score for the first TD in OT. If that is what we have to look forward too, I'm in!
  5. Yeah, and I'd be worried that Stroud could take it since he can't play well under pressure. I can just see the other teams scheming to blitz Stroud all day long because he's one of the worst QBs under pressure in college football. And they know he's too slow and immobile to escape it. Poor guy is going to get killed.
  6. Go watch em. Here is Youngs "worst game" If you don't have time to watch 12 minutes of throws, then watch just where I start it at. Heres Strouds "BEST game"
  7. Yes Stroud looked a bit improved, but go watch that Georgia game and then watch Bama LSU game. Stroud's best elusiveness is inferior to Youngs worst.
  8. Missing out on Young to take Stroud is huge mistake. It is very likely one these guys is going to bust. The less mobile one, who is among the worst QB's under pressure in college football is the likely candidate.
  9. I've seen some tweeter post it, but none reputable. Where is that offical stat at? It doesn't matter, I'm sure Strouds special under center snapping ability will serve him well in Houston. I'd rather have the smarter/more elusive QB.
  10. Show me the stat. You guys make that crap up all the time. What ACTUAL percentage did Stroud spend in shotgun? Meanwhile I heard Stroud is 99.99999999% uncoachable.
  11. We both know, I'm not the one hurting right now. And I certainly won't be when Young finally gets us that ring.
  12. I know right? I hope the rumors are true. Young is special, we'll be lucky to have him.
  13. How many OL and WR's is bama projected to go first round this year? How many for OH state? And I'm sorry but SEC>>Big10. Stroud completely sucks under pressure. 18th percentile. There's a reason why Young is at the top of most people boards, and its not even close. If we pass on Young and Stroud gets hurt....
  14. Whats funny is that is the game that sold me on Young. Bunches of people said it was his worst, and the O really struggled. LSU rushed 6 over and over and I don't recall a single screen called in response. Meanwhile Young cooly runs the 2 minute drill to take it to overtime and score then first TD in OT. If that is his worst, I want it.
  15. It gets old. Here's some of Stroud's holding the ball too long and throwing the int. Just in reply to the anti Young crap. I guess the Mods are just going to let that stan go on forever. Sigh.
  16. I'm just wondering how long the Mods are going to let Stroud stans create thread after thread. This is a thread on some on the street talk crap. Keep the same energy guys.
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