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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. Too early. There will be plenty of time after the draft to talk the new QB.
  2. Most of the Young supporters were fine with the other QB's. It was the Stroud Boys size queens who made post after negative post on Young. At one point one said that Stroud had no negatives and that's when I called BS and started harping on his pressured play, which was one of the worst in college football. If we do take Stroud, I'm all in. But at this point, that doesn't seem likely.
  3. Sounds awkward to do the 2 at the same time to begin with. And then to schedule a press conference the same day? That whole thing is odd.
  4. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10072252-schefter-bryce-young-will-be-panthers-pick-cj-stroud-trying-to-change-their-mind Schefter: Bryce Young Will Be Panthers' Pick; C.J. Stroud Trying to Change Their Mind He and his mom is also using huddle alts to that end.
  5. @frankw@PanthersGOATFan336@mrcompletely11 You guys need to go get in on that action. Money to be made betting on CJ!
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