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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. I'm not going back and forth you as you follow around behind me. I wasn't here when we picked Rhule or Darnold and I was the biggest poster on the official Rhule complaint thread. I was against getting Baker but supported him after we traded for him. I never pulled for Willis. Stop following me around and lying. YOU were the one pulling that we lose each and every game last season so we can get a high pick. Literally. Now that we have the #1 you are upset that we aren't getting the QB that you want. I'm sorry about that, but lying about me isn't going to change it.
  2. So between Person's article and Claws statement, are you still in the "it COULD be Stroud" crowd?
  3. I wonder if we'll ever know Stroud's score.
  4. Bryce is the man! Its easy to see what happened a the combine interviews.
  5. If it is Young and essentially has been since the combine, that is exactly what we did to CJ and Levis today. We wasted their time.
  6. Yeah. I thought they might have an informal backchanel to his agent but then Fit essentially lied. Someone just needs to ask his agent why he canceled the visits.
  7. Watched the presser. So they did NOT contact Young, and questions about him canceling visits need to be directed to him. So if Texas informed Young he was going to be their pick yesterday, then they went into a press conference and said they were listening to offers for pick 2 on the same day. Bizzare. They dismissed the standard height/size complaints about batted balls and durability. They said that it was at the combine that it became pretty clear. Which is interesting because Young didn't do anything at the combine and I don't see how any measurables would erase tape. If it is indeed Young, then the interviews were very important, which by the way, is exactly what they said...that the interviews were important. They said they'll make the decision later this week. Maybe they told Texas the same thing and that is why Texas said they would decide if they are trading out of 2 on Thursday. If Texas trades out of two, we know who it is.
  8. They won't know by Thursday if Young is there or not... in the scenerio where the Panthers haven't told Bryce or anyone else anything. I agree, that Bryce is probably the #1. I'm just trying to see if makes sense to read it another way. Today's press conferences should be interesting.
  9. I was thinking about Young canceling his visits, and some people posted very reasonably that it could be that he hasn't heard anything from the Panthers and he has been told by the Texans that he's their pick. So would you cancel your other visits on the day the Texans announce at press conference that their "listening" to offers for 2? And if so, why now? These visits have been on the books for months. The Texans are just now notifying Young he is their pick, and the same day announce their listening to other offers? But the betting markets certainly didn't see it that way. What was interesting was Caserio said we'd know by Thursday if they were trading out of #2.
  10. You folllow me around, lie about my post history have entire conversation off topic about me. I ignore you. Now you cry to the Mods cause you got a couple reactions on some posts? Goat336 pooed 20 of my posts yesterday. Its just a message board frank. People pie posts they like and poo posts they don't. You take this WAY to seriously. Talk about needing mental health check.
  11. “That size stuff is great—but if that ball’s coming out fast, it doesn’t matter,” Kuechly said. “Drew [Brees] wasn’t a huge quarterback, but he was strongly built. But you could never touch him. You’d get close to him, the ball would be out. And then he never took clean shots. “Like, that’s the other thing, too. These quarterbacks—yeah, they’re gonna get hit, they’re gonna get bumped. But the good ones know—No. 1: how to get the ball out, No. 2: how to navigate the pocket, and No. 3: they know how to not get hit clean. I think there's a real art to that. Get the ball out, know what you're seeing, navigate the pocket. You're going to get hit every once in a while but as long as you're not getting hit clean, you're not getting hit square—and then with all the new rules that they have, you can't land on these guys. It's not an optimal size. If he was 6'4", 250, that'd be awesome. But I mean the guy is so good. He played at such a high level at Alabama. He's done if for a long time at that size. He knows how to play at that size. Not optimal, but he's a heck of a player."
  12. Some great discussion on the pluses and minus of the different QBs and who each of the Panthers pod casters would take at 1.
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