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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. We don't play the Seahawks twice, and we are beating the Texans.
  2. Yeah, he does that. Anyone he disagrees with is irrational. He calls them names like lunatic. It gets old. We just live with it.
  3. Well its on here. MHS I think posted it. Showed injury rate by size, by position. The trend lines were clear and largely consistent. Ladypanther recently posted an article about optimal sizing, implying that larger mass can lead to injury. Look at our own experience. Cam, Corral, vs Wilson or Brees. There's no guarantees with injuries. Sam Mills, was small for a LB, at 5'9. Smitty was small for WR at 5.9. Both shorter than Young and played positions with a much higher injury rate than QB requiring much more contact.
  4. No, we traded up for Matt Corral, who didn't make it through preseason.
  5. Some. But no more than PJ's. I don't remember the huddle going apeshlt over PJ's size as much as we were concerned about his play. Corral, was the one out for the season, not PJ. Besides its been discussed adnauseam here. The only studies we could find say the exact opposite. The larger the QB, the MORE likely they get hurt. Ask PJ and Corral.
  6. Its easy to imagine, he's just a tad shorter than PJ. PJ played behind the exact same line that Coral did in preseason, just PJ didn't get put on IR for the season like the much larger Coral did.
  7. We don't know what Stroud's final draft position will be, so its early to say he's tanked. He may go 2nd, to Houston or whoever Houston trades with. Reports coming out now say the Panthers, Houston and others were trading up to get Young all along. Houston says they don't use S2. Besides, his S2 score just supported what you see on film and in the stats, that he struggles under pressure. QB's have to be able to handle the press. Young has answered question after question about his height. CJ should be able to handle a few questions about his S2.
  8. Saban saw this years ago. Mac Jones had very few snaps from under center.
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