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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. That's what everybody seems to think. Maybe they're right. Of course, many thought he'd be gone this year too.
  2. In 2019, Cam got hurt. In 2020 and 2021 CMC got hurt. Let me make a prediction, if our #1 offensive weapon goes down in 2022, we're going to suck again.
  3. I hate the Cam/Teddy/Sam/PJ/Cam debacle. I don't agree with the notion: well, we fcked up so lets just suck this year. We have a flat tire, lets get out slash the other 3. Welcome to the Browns.
  4. Unfortunately, you can't skip a year and just bank for the next. You have to field a team and play games. Cleveland tried that shlt. I don't know why so many people are impressed with the Browns model. "Lets get a new head coach every 2 years, and try to lose while saving cash and picks for out years. " It didn't work as planned.
  5. There are so many unknowns for the 2023 "projection". What will the new cap be? How much will we carry over? Who will get traded away (Robby, Shaq, CMC)? Are we drafting a LT or QB? Saints and Bucs are both projected in much worse shape than we are in 2023. BTW aints aren't a contender and the Bucs are a contender if Brady plays in 2023. I'm not worrying about the 2023 cap in 2022. btw, Weren't the Saint OVER the cap a month ago and now have the 2nd largest cap space?
  6. I'm not sure your definition of "comments here and there" is the same as the rest of the world's. Its on every thread. On the QB choice thread people want Darnold, not because they want the best QB, but because they want to lose.
  7. I'm not impressed either, but I'm not rooting for the other teams.
  8. With all of the sheer hatred toward Rhule... hatred so intense that "fans" are rooting for us to lose before we have even started the season. I wonder what the Huddle will be like if Rhule is kept on board again next year.
  9. Some people seethe with so much Rhule hate, they are rooting for us to lose. Its a twisted fanbase.
  10. Rhule's and Fit's biggest mistakes: OL,QB, OC OL-- 2 new well regarded OL and replaced the OL coach QB--multiple attempts at new FA QB OC--replaced child Joe Brady with decent OC Macadoo FA isn't over and we have the most cap space in the league. Don't be surprised if we upgrade at QB and LT before the draft. We have a coach addressing his mistakes....not "the answer is on the roster". RR would have kept Brady on for 2 more years out of loyalty, not played the rookies in favor of vets, and not actively tried to add personnel to address needs. Rhule fcked up. He's at least trying to address it. Tepper has decided Rhule is our coach. So be it. I'm not rooting against them.
  11. CMC needs to be on the field, but we need to decoy him more. We have to reach the WR on passing downs more, so CMC keeps the linebackers honest. We can't checkdown to CMC every play. Robbie, Thomas, Tremble and Marshal need to step it up.
  12. I think we are underestimating the loss of Reddick and reliable hands at TE. There's a reason teams are spending a fortune at the positions. I'm not convinced the answer is on the roster.
  13. We've upgraded at OC, OL coach, G, C, and backup RB. CMC will probably be back...he can't afford to be down 3 yrs straight. If Sam is the QB (doubful) he'll be in better place than he was game 4 on last year.
  14. TBF I don't even know who the CEO of Comcast or Viacom/CBS is without googling it so I'm not sure they help your point. Tepper was very visible when he first arrived on the scene, he knew he wasn't the fanbase's 1st choice, so he reached out. We still see him around, he just won't talk to us/the press. He doesn't want to argue his decision. He'll talk to us again when he has something else to talk about. He gave Rhule a 7 yr contract to communicate to him that he is going to give him time and he's doing just that.
  15. We are not done in FA, we have the cap space to make some noise. We will get a FA LT, QB or both before the draft. Then we'll trade down multiple times in the first, to reacquire draft capital if we can find a trade partner.
  16. The huddle when we found out he won't fire Rhule. Post after post, thread after thread.....
  17. I'm angry at you Mr Billionaire! You should have to face the music and listen to my bitchy complaints because I know the football stuff better.
  18. And the huddle searches desperately for a new low.
  19. You aren't arguing that Garoppolo is the same as Darnold, are you? Garaoppolo is a very good QB. Yes his post season hasn't been awesome, but he has been QB in the big game. That superbowl loss wasn't all on Jimmy either. Shanahan burned a minute off the clock before deciding to run a 2 min drill before the half. The reffing was ass too. The Kittle PI was BS, Williams clearly stepped out of bounds on that TD and then there's the missed delay of game call. The up side with JimmyG is we win games.
  20. That is a perfect example of a team, who didn't need to tank in order to get their QB and win a SB. This mentality of: tank for a QB, lose now, and get a third HC in 4 years, is a strategy that will keep us in the NFL basement.
  21. Ouch. Without comps, thats like a 5th round pick. Darnold and Henderson just keep on giving.
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