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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. Rock Hill was a mistake for many reasons, but apparently the biggest one being that the Rock Hill politicians made promises either they couldn't keep, or had no intention of keeping...hoping the county and state would bail them out. A lot has already been invested. My guess is the county and state save the deal.
  2. Sam sucked most of last year He had 3 300 yard games at the start.... I assume that is what he was referring to. After the first three games, we replaced: CMC with "can't catch a cold" Chubba Dan Arnold with Ian "I struggled all last year with the playbook" Thomas and Robby Anderson with his evil twin, Dropsies McGee Then our bad OLmen got hurt and had to be replaced with our even worse OLmen. Top it off with a man child OC who wouldn't adjust and just blamed everyone around him. Last year was Sam's worst year in the NFL and that is saying something after the jets. It was probably his last year as a starter. Sam sucked, but we were also slaughtered by injuries. If CMC is truly made of tissue paper and our 1st round pick goes down for the season AGAIN and our OL is ravaged with injuries...I predict that we will suck again, regardless of who put behind center.
  3. Discussing "profit" for a sub-organization in a structure that is itself a non-profit is naive. None of them "make a profit" genius. Is the cartel agreement among schools banning all payment beyond school costs just? Here let me help you. The moral answer is no. When a person is taken advantage of to point where they are being paid a pittance compared to their worth, it is called slave labor. People who work in sweat shops are slave labor. Could they pay? Yes. Are they shlts because they won't pay? Yes. Yes they are.
  4. Are you pretending that you are saying something? Why do you protect the NCAA, schools and coaches as they rake in millions and billions? Why do you want to deny the athletes fair compensation for the value they bring? There is a lot of thought and negotiating that would be required to set the pay on a per athlete basis. I can't tell you what an insurance adjuster in Sheboygin, WI should make a year, but that doesn't mean it should be nothing or free insurance.
  5. Wow. How did I never see it before? You've opened my eyes. You're right. Its just too complicated. The schools and coaches should keep it all...literally BILLIONS. Keep em on the plantation. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/10/the-shame-of-college-sports/308643/ https://www.imdb.com/video/vi1185785881?playlistId=tt3057718&ref_=tt_ov_vi Aahh. The twisted logic and/or willful blindness of the pro-slavers.
  6. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/10/the-shame-of-college-sports/308643/
  7. Your bar is sooo low when it comes to the NCAA. Yes, they FINALLY, now, allow athletes to make money from their name and likeness. How benevolent of the NCAA. What good people. If only we all were as pure. Ignore the racist part where the players aren't paid appropriately for the work or the value they bring. There was another peculiar institution that pulled that shlt...we had a war to end it.
  8. As I said, when you bitch about their bitching, they bitch more. Just. Like. Clockwork.
  9. No, it seems you are uneducated on the reality of the situation. Go on, live in your fantasy world where the NCAA is a benevolent ruler. Kiss the ring.
  10. They aren't leaving. They live to bitch. Bitchity bitch bitch bitch...and if anyone bitches about them bitching, they bitch some more. There's just bitchy people in the world, unfortunately, they run the huddle.
  11. So you'll root for college teams on some moral ground, where the participant are slave labor. You think the NCAA isn't about money?
  12. Naaah. The Saints trade just shows that the Eagle picks were to expensive. If you can find a trade partner with good value, I'd do it.
  13. Fit wants to trade down, but a lot needs to fall in place to do that. If one of the top 2 tackles are there we're taking em.
  14. The sad part is, Teddy was better than Sam and we wasted 2 picks and money on that trade. We didn't know it, but it was Joe Brady, not Teddy that was the problem with the offense. Teddy's quick release made that line and the offense look MUCH better than it was.
  15. They WANT to do B. They have the cap space to get a QB and LT in FA and are trying to do just that. 1)JimmyG's cost is dropping, 9ers may have to release 2) Duane Brown, Nate Solder, Eric Fisher and Riley Reiff are all potential LT targets If they do both and we can find a trade partner who doesn't offer negative points, we're trading down.
  16. I feel better knowing Macadoo is there, he has shown some skill at QB eval. Also, we don't have the most cap space in the league for nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if we go JimmyG and OT in the draft. I could live with that.
  17. The O fell apart when CMC went down and we replaced him with butterfingers Chubba. We traded away a good TE in Arnold, and Robbie got the dropsies. Add to that Elflein went down in game 2 and we started OL rotation madness. Our starting OL were bad, the backups were horrific. I'm glad Pat Meyer and Joe Brady our gone... WTF were they thinking. I don't think Tremble or Thomas are as good a catch as Arnold. If CMC goes down again for a third straight year, it is going to be a looong season.
  18. and that Chubba would drop the ball....
  19. 6-4 226 strong arm, 70% cmp, 36 TD 8 ints, 4186 yards, 156.8 PR (his lowest in 2019 was 121.8 PR) Strong could be a steal in the second round. Some say he didn't look great at the Senior Bowl or his pro day, he stares down receivers and injuries limit his mobility. He was sacked 36 times in 2021.
  20. 2021 Hassan Reddick PFF: 67.9 2021 Brian Burns PFF: 60.8 2021 Marqis Haynes: 71.3 I don't understand PFF sometimes. Is Haynes really going to be an upgrade over Reddick?
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