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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. We don't know yet. We don't have the facts, but CRA is sure that there will be facts, because you know, facts.
  2. Baker is AMAZING. He overcame the horrific pro-bowler Nick Chub, and all-pro OT Conklin and All-pro G Bitonio and All-Pro G Teller to storm his way to come in THIRD in the AFC north and win ONE GAME in the playoffs!
  3. He is. Desperately clinging to that 2020 season that had 1 playoff win. It was all Mayfield. It had nothing to do with 2 ALLPRO Guards, an ALLPRO Tacke and Probowl running back, Nick Chubb. Mayfield managed to rise above all of that lack of talent on O to win that one playoff game. He da man. Send that whiny bitch over.
  4. Are you sure you have all the facts on that? Maybe there's a fact that might come out where RH factually isn't in fact at fault at all? We don't have the factual facts, and thats a fact. Facts
  5. Sam sucks. We need to move on. That said, Sam didn't have 2 probowl offensive linemen, probowl RB Nick Chubb and Odell Beckham with the jets or us. Two totally different situations. Baker may be better than Sam, but not by much. They are the same tier QB. Baker is just the whiny bitch version of Sam.
  6. You are awfully selective on when we "have the facts." Dude, you talk a lot of stuff that you don't "have the facts" because we hear stuff through news and twitter. We never have all the facts, we always form an opinion on the limited knowledge we have.
  7. On a team with 5 pro-bowlers including Nick Chubb and 2, that is TWO, OL. Not to mention Odell Beckham until mid November. What the Browns finally figured out was that it wasn't the OC's, it was Baker. Baker > Sam
  8. Unless it goes the other direction and they complete it. In that case, everyone will be trying to make nice and paper over it.
  9. Mayfield looked like total ass last year. Is he better than Darnold? Sure. Is it a lot? LOL No. Put him on the jets or our panthers and you'd see similar numbers. He was on a much better team last year and his stats were awfully similar to Darnold. We will not win anymore games with Baker under center than Sam. Baker sucks.
  10. Sam: Cmp% 59.9 Ratg:71.9 Int:13 Qbr: 33.2 Baker Cmp% 60.5 Ratg:83.1 Int:13 QBR 35.1 Yup. Pretty much. Though I'm sure Mayfield would have blown the doors off in Carolina last year with our line and the man-child OC and no running back and dropsie mcgee at WR and Ian Thomas starting at TE. If we give ANY draft capital for Baker, I'll join the crowd demanding Fitts and Rhules head.
  11. All or nothing, tank or SB, is a mixed bag. Plenty of teams have had decent seasons and still drafted a good QB the following draft or acquired one in the off season. Rams, Chiefs, Bills, 9ers, Titans, Bucs, and Pats are all playoff teams who didn't tank to get their QB. Dallas got Prescott, in the 4th round. Its "keep pounding", not: intentionally suck so you can draft a qb.
  12. Exactly. The point is to win football games. If the QB solution is not in the draft this year, then replace Sam with someone who doesn't suck and win games. Trade up if you have to in 2023 to get your QB next year. Its not rocket science.
  13. Yeah. Just a mid-tier QB with a higher passer rating than Mahomes last year. Whatever.
  14. Why do people want to be the Jets or Jags...or even the Browns circa 2014
  15. Its just seething-Rhule-hate. They hate Rhule more than they want the Panthers to win. This narrative...that it is impossible to get a good QB in the draft unless you absolutely suck.... just isn't supported by history. They know it. Its not about a QB. Its about getting rid of the coach. There's no reasoning with them.
  16. Tanking is not the only path to a QB and is not a guarantee to a team turn around. Ask the Jets and and Jags.
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