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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. Macadoo>>>Joe Brady Campen>>>Meyer CMC is going to stay healthy this year, he's going to play through minor injuries or his stock in the NFL will bottom out, so CMC>>>>>>>>Chubba Our OL with Ikem, Brady, Boze, Corbett and Moton>>>>>>the musical chairs we had last year Sam is going to look like Sam from the first three games last year until he gets hurt because he's hurt every year. At that point we'll see what Corral has, and if he shines, Sam will be riding the pine.
  2. When he started weeping I lost it. Weeping:"His mamma was a track star....he was accepted to Harvard and Yale. We have the smartest offensive lineman in the world!" The man is funny.
  3. Can you imagine being Darnold's agent? I bet the phone is ringing off the hook.
  4. We're going to find out. You may be right. I hope you're wrong.
  5. Next years 4th, last place is 112 points. Mid 3rd round is 190 points. http://www.mynfldraft.com/points.php
  6. They believe he is better than Howell and Strong and, TBF they aren't alone. Howell and Strong were regularly listed 5th and 6th QB and Corral was often in the top 3 depending on what draft network you were looking at. We used: a 2023 pick 65 at 265 points (assuming we come in 32nd) and a 2022 pic 137 at 37.5 points. For a total of 402.5 draft points for Corral, equivalent to pick 49-50... mid-late second round. The real question is, is Corral worth a mid second round pick? We're going to find out.
  7. CJ looked like ass last year. Too early to tell if he's a bust, but the arrow is definitely pointing in that direction.
  8. THIS. So true. If they trade anything for Baker.
  9. If Rhule played such a HUGE role in bringing in Darnold, why isn't he pounding on the table in the video where they are discussing it? He was in nearly every other scene. Every person around the table spoke glowingly of Darnold, including Fitt. I'm not arguing that Rhule is blameless or that he had no role. I'm arguing that Fit isn't blameless and that the contract that Rhule had last year is still in place. They collaborated last year, they are collaborating this year. Rhule is in the same position he was last year. I think after getting his ass kicked, he's a little humbled. Where has Rhule's contract changed? Where? Where has Rhule said he was against Macadoo, Wilks, Campen or Ikem? Where has Fitt said anything has changed? Where has Tepper said anything has changed? In fact, actual statements by the these people are to the direct contrary of the delusion that there has been power shift. Matt Rhules contract is the SAME as last year.
  10. Me too. Pat is the most entertaining Panthers youtuber.
  11. Joe Brady has NEVER EVER been a successfull OC, ANYWHERE. He was running the same routes over and over. Robby said it, opposing teams said it, including CB's who intercepted. He didn't practice 2 minute drill. He blamed everyone around but himself in the press conferences. He ran Chubba and CMC up the gut on 3rd and 1 and 4th and 1...including against the best run defenses in the league. He was passing game coordinator for Joe Burrow, Justin Jefferson J'mar Chase and Terrace marshal against COLLEGE CBs. The man was impaired and is now a QB coach. You can carry Joe Brady's water all you want CRA, but the fact of the matter was, he sucked.
  12. This is the part I take issue with. It may be that THEY are peeling him back, or that Rhule has grown and humbled. Rhule has shown that he is willing to change. Rhule realized last year wasn't working so he changed course, firing Joe Brady. I do not believe for one second that the vet NFL coaches we hired weren't Rhule selections. I don't believe Fitt forced Rhule to take coaches that Rhule did not want. I don't believe that Rhule was against last night pick and I don't believe that all the good decisions made in the off season this year were made by Fitt and all the bad decisions last year were made by Rhule. It was a collaborative effort last year, it is this year. Can anyone show me where Rhule's contract has been changed?
  13. "- You asked for "proof Fitt didn't drive the Darnold trade". Elflein, Erving and CJ aren't relevant to that discussion." Uhh, the topic is that "There has clearly been a power shift"...not " Darnold is Rhules fault". "It's been revealed that at the time of the trade Rhule had contractual final roster control. So no, Fitterer couldn't have told him NO." Yes, but it has also been said that Rhules STILL has that in his contract. "Again, this is irrelevant to your request for proof that Fitt didn't drive the Darnold trade. Which is what I provided." My point is that everything the huddle agrees with is Fitt and everything the huddle disagrees with is Rhule. The topic is NOT just on Darnold and NEITHER was my post. Darnold was an example. Go on, live in your world that Rhule is just sitting on the sidelines now. In time, we'll see. You may be right, but right now, Fitt, Tepper and Rhules contract say that Rhule is playing the same role he played last year.
  14. And your proof for Elflein, Erving, and CJ Henderson? Whatever. Rhule may have suggested it, but its the GM's job to say NO when it is a total crap decision, and Darnold was. Rhule isn't blameless, but Fitt isn't some innocent child. If Fitt is, then Fitt is a mistake.
  15. Sure, he had input, and may even mentioned it BUT he wasn't even in the room where it happened. In the end the GM and his team get the QB. Rhule isn't blameless, but Fitt is not some innocent victim. It clearly is NOT ALL ON RHULE as Panthers confidential clearly shows. But you all are going to believe whatever you want regardless...making up shlt.
  16. Show me the evidence that Fitt didn't drive the Darnold trade. I have video evidence where Fitt is driving it along with his personnel and Rhule isn't even in the room.
  17. ONLY straight up, no picks, salary or assets. We take Baker they take Sam. Hard to tell how much Baker is better since he was on teams WAY better than the jets and us last year. Baker had pro-bowl OLmen and wide receivers and Chubb at RB. Sam had Erving and Elflien's backups, and a 4th round rookie who couldn't catch a cold at RB...and that was the best team he's been on. Oh wait, Sam did have Ian Thomas so, he had that going for him.
  18. They picked #1 on his draft board. His reaction was essentially mine.
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