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Everything posted by poundaway

  1. Evaluating a QB in camp or practice is not an exact science. We want to ease Corral in, the right way, which means, day one, Sam is our starter. I am not buying tickets until we have a different starter. Maybe preseason because Corral could be out there.
  2. I want Darnold gone too, but without someone taking him off our hands, he's our starter next year. Sam's days as a starter are numbered and we can finally put that mistake behind us.
  3. It was sarcasm. The post below it I said I should have put the /sarc tag on. We loved Robby two years ago, we loved Reddick last year. The derision on Temple/Baylor picks is just more Rhule hatred.
  4. Many good QB's have bad rookie seasons, so it will be hard to eval either way, even if we throw him to the wolves. I am convinced that Corral is going to start games this season, either because Sam implodes or Sam gets hurt. It happens every season for Sam. Macadoo has a good track record of evaluating and coaching up Qb's so I feel we are in good hands there. It actually makes me feel better about the pick.
  5. Q were there some calls there at the end and were anything that was any tipping at all A nothing um serious you know. We asked a couple teams if they wanted to flip with us because we thought we can go back one or two and maybe pick up something but I think other you know other people are looking the same board that we are.
  6. Fit said they called others trying to find a trade down partner, but the way the board fell, no one wanted to. Giants succeeded in doing exactly what they wanted to.
  7. Sorry. I should have added the /sarc tag.
  8. Another Temple/Baylor guy. We all know that Fitt took over this year because those losers be gone and you know, you can see it in their eyes and stuff. Glad that Reddick guy hit the bricks. Looks like one slipped through. This pick is Rhules, cause I liked the other picks and I don't care about this one.
  9. I loved this draft. If you told me before the draft that we would get Ikem and Corral without giving away a player or sacrificing next years 1st or 2nd, I would have not believed you. Ikem alone is worth this draft.
  10. There was a interesting back and forth at the presser on whether we were done at QB after the draft and Fitt seemed to answer that we were. When followed up on he said we're keeping our options open. I think what you see is what you get here. They said Sam is the day one starter and its his until its taken. I think they want to do this right and ease Corral in. I want Darnold gone to win games, but it just doesn't appear to be in the cards at this point.
  11. That Trey Smith pick, that's just salt in the wound that he was taken with our own pick. That said, the entire league passed on the dude 6 times.
  12. I think assuming there's been a power shift because Rhule doesn't want to deal with the press is dumb soooo
  13. We lost 5 draft points for that trade. We gave 70.8 and they gave 65.8. So total draft value, its like we picked him at 117. His valuation was mostly in the pick 50-100 range, but NFL.com hated him and put him at 257, bringing his average rank to 95. https://www.nfldraftbuzz.com/Player/Brandon-Smith-LB-PennState
  14. Its no use. You're battling against the wind. They made up their minds. They hate, just sheer hate, Rhule. Anything they like will be attributed to anyone but Rhule, and anything they dislike will attributed to him.
  15. I thought the smart coaches hated talking to the press? If he was smarter, wouldn't he talk to the press less?
  16. I did value the future conservatively by assuming we come in 32nd next year, maximizing the value of the future pick. a 2023 pick 65 at 265 points and a 2022 pic 137 at 37.5 points. For a total of 302.5 draft point 59-60... mid-late second round. Most like to value that future pick with the lowest value to adjust for the time you don't have the player. Its true that the 2023 picks value drops to 116 using this method, resulting in a total draft value 153.5 that we paid for Corral, which is equivalent to pick 87-88, in the bottom half of the 3rd. Either way, where we picked him, even with the additional traded future pick, was cheaper than what the "draft experts" valued him, which ranged as high as pick 21 and as low as pick 53, with the average being 38.7 https://www.nfldraftbuzz.com/Player/Matt-Corral-QB-OleMiss
  17. Fitt also said that Rhule was instrumental in getting the Pats to make the trade.
  18. I can tell by their glances, grimaces and body language that there is a definite power shift. Sure, Rhules contract is the same and Tepper has said its the same and Fitt has said its the same, but I just know from the bottom of heart that none of that is true. All the good decisions this year have nothing to do with Rhule. How do I know? Huddlemagic. If they actually do any decisions I disagree with, then I know that's Rhule, cause their eyes told me.
  19. When Sam gets hurt, which he does every year, somewhere around game 8.
  20. They said they had him rated as their top QB and they weren't alone in that rating. In the end we spent the draft equivalent of a mid-2nd round pick on what some rated as a lower first rounder and the top QB in the draft with the highest up side. We'll see if he's worth it.
  21. Me neither. But Sam gets injured every year, so Matt will see the field, is my guess. This is whant many huddlers wanted. Rhule sinking or swimming with Sam. But with the new line, CMC and Foreman... Sam is going to look better.
  22. Many huddlers wanted this very draft. A top 5 LT, and rookie QB with the potential to be an NFL starter...and statements from Rhule that Sam is the day one starter. We got exactly that. At this point it looks like Rhule is going to sink or swim with Sam so we can develop Corral. It's the smart play. Rookie QB's don't typically shine and Sam is, well Sam. IMO though, I think the hope that Rhule will be gone next season just won't happen. Tepper has said it and I believe him. The O is going to look better, so Sam is going to look better. Saints and Bucs will take a step back and we'll have a much better record at the end of the day.
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