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Posts posted by HPPantherzfan

  1. I dunno, as someone who really wants CJ, the closer we get to the draft that more I'm falling in line.  We have our backs against the wall, after being in QB purgatory for the last several years we have to 1.  Get a QB and 2. Get a QB that can start day 1.  As much as I love CJ as a prospect, I'm not sold on the fact that he could come in and be an impact player tomorrow while Young can.  Is Young going to be the best QB in this class in year 3?  I don't believe he will, but he is the best right now which is where the Panthers are at...right now.  And before anyone starts saying I'm a Bryce hater, I'm not, just because I don't' think he will be the best QB in the draft 3 years from now does not mean I don't think he will be good.  His ceiling is high but not as high as some of the other QB in this class, but they need time to develop as mentioned.

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  2. I’ve wanted CJ from m the beginning only because of durability concerns for Young but there is no doubt, on tape or elsewhere, Young is the better QB.  The best QB in this class.  I completely get why we are drafting him and I will fully support him as our QB.  The coaching staff is doing there job and taking the best QB, nothing more nothing less

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  3. 10 hours ago, tukafan21 said:

    I don't care how you get one, but you have to get a WR #1.

    You can't draft a rookie QB 1st overall and pay an RB 6.5 million and not give your top pick a #1 WR.

    I know we can't get a #1 for the same 6.5, but we could have used that plus a little more to have signed someone who could have fit the bill and then drafted an RB in the 3rd round to go along with a cheaper FA option.

    Again, I like landing Sanders, behind our OL he should be real good, and I don't hate the contract as long as we get a #1 WR this year, if we don't, I'm not going to be so thrilled about it.

    I keep seeing a few people say this and I disagree.  The number 1 thing you need for a young QB is a good Oline, check.  2.  A good run game, check 3.  A TE that can catch and block, we can now check that.  WR are great and all and I would love to have a number 1 but, look at KC, who was their number 1 receiver?  With 2 number 1 WR Hurst still was very respectable.  All over the league it's the same, we don't NEED a WR1 in the rookie QB's first year, we NEED players that are going to help build confidence while they are getting use to the speed of the game which typically doesn't equate to many scenarios where they sit in the pocket and wait for a 50 yard play to develop...that is year 3

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  4. 4 minutes ago, WhoKnows said:

    Not to be a Debbie Downer but there’s some truth. Dalton, Hurst and Thielin and even Jamal Williams don’t make us close to a scary offense. None of them can be the guy who can still do a lot when the D focuses on them. No matter which FA WRs we sign, there’s no one who can go against the #1 CB or be the doubled guy and perform well. DJ wasn’t elite but no FA is close to him.

    You might be right, no one of them can be but the D can't focus on all of them and they are serviceable, proven and a huge commodity for a QB, especially a rookie one

  5. 2 minutes ago, DeSim said:

    Can't complain about this, definitely better than what we currently have.  Nice free agency so far.

    Nice indeed, looks like they are trying to put all the pieces in place for a rookie QB to be successful!  If it ended today this is one of the best offseason I can remember

  6. 6 hours ago, CPantherKing said:

    Another big miss in the offseason. Any GM with a 36 year old Dalton on their QB board should lose their job.

    What on earth are you smoking?  This is an amazing signing given the situation we are in.  This guy has been around a long time, know what the means?  Means he knows how to take care of himself on and off the field, knows that a good routine means everything.  In other words knows what it takes to 1) Be a quarterback in this league and 2) Have a long term career.  All the things I which Cam would have had when he got here.  How can anyone be upset with this signing knowing we are about to draft a rookie QB.  The jump from college to pros is huge!  Not just in talent but MONEY / Problems / Fame.  Our young QB will need someone to help mold habits that not only allow him to be successful NFL QB but a successful long term NFL QB. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    Who's alt is this?

    Not sure but I can't say he is entirely wrong either.  I don't know how they keep doing it but the Saints are in a much better spot than any other team in the NFC South, player wise, as we sit right now.  Young "might" be able to come in and play immediately but you have to wonder how long his frame will hold up.  The most gifted QB in the draft everyone agrees will need to sit at least a year.  Levis looks to me like Zack Willson of last year and Stroud will probably need some time on the bench as well.  Only one of them would I say lets throw them to the fire on day one and roll with them and for a QB he is small

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