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Posts posted by HPPantherzfan

  1. 35 minutes ago, TheBigKat said:

    For me it’s a RESOUNDING NO

    no merch

    no PSL renewal



    you don’t hire an extensive search firm to hire the guy who was part of drafting Bryce Young. This just tells me that the search firm and all that was window dressing, Tepper has not changed one bit


     how can we as fans respond?


    skip the March on Mint nonsense


     just don’t spend money on the team, no merchandise, no tickets. Just watch the circus from home or watch red zone 

    What if the extensive search firm told him Dan was the right man for the job?

  2. I actually like this hire!  Maybe it's because I was a fan when he played, maybe it's because he is just one of us that actually use to post on these very forums; just one of the guys / gals I guess you could say.  He cares about Panthers' football in general and to me that means something.  

    • Pie 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, ComebackCam said:

    Yeah the GOAT .. winning championships w/ rosters head and shoulders above the rest of the field

    This, I tell my friend this all the time, if you want to call him the GOAT at talent evaluation and recruiting you might have an argument, but if you want to call him the GOAT at coaching; I have an issue with that!  Lets take a recent example, a great coach would have their QB's footwork in much better shape than what we have seen with Bryce but the talent around him was so much better than anyone they played sans one time there was no need to worry about it.  And he sees the writing on the wall, he has lost his touch with recruiting Alabama can't secretly pay players more than other teams anymore.  

    • Pie 2
  4. On 12/10/2023 at 4:28 PM, LinvilleGorge said:

    Bryce was missing receivers all over the place downfield. 😂

    The ability some of y'all have to continually invent new excuses is just wild to watch. I honestly feel secondhand embarrassment watching it 

    I have to agree with this, what I saw was receivers were actually open, 2 or 3 steps in front of their defenders and Bryce was just missing them.  I want to see what some of you are seeing but he missed a lot of NFL open receivers Sunday.

    • Pie 2
    • Beer 2
  5. 59 minutes ago, bythenbrs said:

    Medieval clowns and court jesters played an important role in ‘speaking truth to power.’  Perhaps David Tepper is listening?

    “Jesters in Medieval Europe were decidedly more involved with affairs of state than were jesters in other time periods and locations. Oftentimes, a monarch or high-ranking official would search for a jester to keep at court. The court jester of medieval times was usually allowed to speak his mind freely, while not everyone else had to wait for the monarch's permission to speak. Many times, the jester would use his chance at free speech to criticize the monarch openly, where no one else could. Thus, a function of the jester was to act as a critic, and many stories exist to support the fact that kings did indeed pay heed to the criticism of the court jester.

    Slightly different in this scenario however, I think most people here are inferring that the monarch is also the court jester.

  6. On 12/5/2023 at 8:39 AM, travisura said:

    I get both sides of the argument. If Travis doesn't go down, FSU is probably in, but I can see a world where the committee doesn't want another 2021 Cincinnati or 2016 Washington situation, where a team got in because by letter of the law, they met the requirements, but then gets blown out because they weren't really one of the best four teams in the country. 

    Either way, the committee will either be vindicated or indicted depending on the results of the FSU Georgia game. Georgia wins handily, committee is vindicated. FSU loses closely or wins, committee will hear the noise. 

    All of this is moot anyway because of the expansion next year. Even if there is a snub out of the top 12, it won't be nearly as dramatic as a snub out of the top 4.

    I get it, there is nothing we can do about it, but I'll ask you like I have ask everyone else that has said something similar.  What exactly makes you think FSU is not one of the 4 best teams?  They had a better strength of record.  They had a better overall winning % obviously.  Head to head play (They both played LSU) FSU won by more points.  They have a better ranked D, they played in the best conference, no seriously, this year when playing non conference teams (ACC was the best conference believe it or not).  There is no statistical value of metric that says Alabama should have gotten in over FSU.  From everything I can find...it is an opinion.  I just don't get how people can say, or based on what are they saying Alabama was a better program this year than FSU to snub them.  Won the last 2 game with a back up QB by more points than Alabama as well.  I dunno, I don't get both sides of the argument.

  7. I dunno, I watched and really didn't get anything out of it but more confusion.  It was said that you don't make a trade like they did without conviction for a player.  It was then said that the Panthers believed they were going to get pick number two and at that pick they would be getting CJ.  Are they admitting that the group had conviction on CJ but ended up taking Bryce as a big F.U. to the Texans?  

  8. I have tried to stay out of this conversation as much as possible, but I disagree with this article, as someone who has actually watched most of the Texans games this year.  The article itself says that basically this WR suck, and that is true, the reason they don't?  Because they have a QB that is getting the ball out of his hands quick meaning that Collins doesn't have to sit in the zone long, he turns, and the ball is there.  Stroud is also hitting his speedy receivers like Dell in stride so they can actually take advantage of their speed, Dell rarely has to slow down to catch a ball.  With our guys the ball is either under thrown or thrown a mile over their heads, why do you think we don't through many go routes?  Everyone knows we are doing an out route so yea, if a defense knows you can't through it more than 10 yards they can kinda sit on your receivers.  Personally, I would give the panthers a nod in the talent department; no, I'm not kidding.  Our defense is better, our skilled positions have tried and true vets that have been in this league and succeeded with other teams.  Houston is playing with a bunch of guys no one had heard of until this year.  In other words what I'm trying to say is, A good QB can make an entire team look a lot better than they actually are.  Defenses can look good when they aren't on the field 3/4 of the game.  Shitty receivers can be all pro when it's almost impossible for them to drop the ball due to placement, running backs have huge gaps to run through when you can pass the ball down the field more than 10 yards and more than twice a game.  And it also works the other way, I don't think Devante Adams and DeAndre Hopkins suddenly suck, just to name a few.

    • Poo 1
  9. 12 hours ago, d-dave said:

    I think the main issue is that we're seeing CJ Stroud have record breaking success in Houston, and many fans were split predraft on Young/Stroud.

    We had a great time between Jake and Cam, and then we've spent the past five years trying to figure it out.  We were sold that we'd no longer be picking top 20 anymore.  We have a billion years of coaching experience.  Being disappointed is extremely fair.  While I'm not going to trash the team (because I do remember the years before the Panthers), to each their own.  

    I will say that regardless of who was QB here, if we did have the magic ability to change who we drafted, they would be struggling the same.  Here are the offensive issues we have regardless of who is taking snaps:

    1. Poor overall WR play/speed.  We hear it week after week, but the FO did a poo job making decisions about WRs.

    2. Poor OL play.  From Icky falling off a cliff into the Byron Bell school of OT, to the complete poo show of Guard play, to the fact that the offense isn't schemed for their success.  Coaches and FO are not seeing eye to eye, which is a BIG problem.

    3. The lack of synergy between the coaching staff and FO.  Again, this is super surprising to me since Scott HIRED Frank.  They should be hand in hand, executing a plan.  If not - the good job Dave, you fugged this up AGAIN.  

    When you watch Stroud, or AR before the injury, they were able to make plays because their line gave them enough time for the plays to develop.  While Bryce has several coverage sacks on him, there are TONS of times where the opponents D is in his face before he hits the back of his drop.  There is no playmaking that happens there.  Someone brough up the David Carr'ing of Bryce, and that could be a real issue.

    I turned off the game after his first pick six.  Why?  Because I knew we'd run out of time, and that was a do or die drive.  I'm also no stress about rookies throwing picks.  It happens to most rookie QBs.  Maybe CJ Stroud is QB jesus, which is great for him and Houston, but we can't change the past.  The fact is most rookies struggle in their first year.  We've seen spots of great play and potential from Bryce, and I think he's going to be good for us.  We just have to figure out how to build the team around him.

    This is straight on the desk of Frank, Scott and Tepper.  They have to get it straightened out before it's too late for Bryce.

    Just wanted to say that you can try to sugar coat what is happening all you like, fact of the matter is Stroud is doing much more with much less!  It seems like he is getting more time behind his o-line because the defense has to actually respect the passing game he is bringing.  Don’t confuse what you are seeing!

  10. 4 minutes ago, mwa78 said:

    That doesn’t even make sense. Sounds like something a 10 year old would say. About as original as your initial post on this thread. Any success/traffic this website currently has is in spite of you. That is obvious to everyone who frequents this site.

    Are you as bad at your other job as you are running the site? I’d bet good money that you are. Loser…..

    Wow bro

  11. 15 hours ago, beo said:

    Not trying to single you in particular out or anything but in general I am so, so tired of seeing remarks like this because they just aren't true and in a way it's sort of excusing what David Tepper has done to this team since he has bought it. We absolutely didn't suck. For an expansion team we have done quite well for ourselves if anything. Let's take a look at other expansion teams in the NFL and also other North American sports leagues since 1995...

    Carolina Panthers all-time win loss record prior to being bought out by David Tepper- this was our lifetime win-loss record up until the 2019 season: 185-194 (.488). Our record since? 27-45 (.375) and our worst stretch in franchise history. At one point before Cam's shoulder fell off we were actually in the positives, but we all know how that season ended. 4 NFC Championship game appearances (what i'd characterize as deep runs). 2 Super Bowl Appearances. Is this world beating? No. But for a new franchise it's far from the worst you could do. For comparison, lets look at some other expansion teams from 1995 onwards: 

    Houston Texans: 142-197 (.419) 0 CCG or SB appearances
    Jacksonville Jaguars: 190-262 (.420) 3 CCG appearances, 0 SB appearances
    Cleveland Browns (yes they are an expansion team, the Ravens kept their players and more importantly their executives):  127-258-1 (.330). 0 CCG or SB appearances

    In other sports...
    Memphis/Vancouver Grizzlies: 971-1258 (.436). 1 appearance in the WCF
    Toronto Raptors:  1071-1157 (.481). 2 appearances in the ECF, 1 Finals App. and championship
    Charlotte Bobcats/Hornets (2004 onwards): lol, lmao. 0-0.

    Nashville Predators: 1 conf finals app. , 1 cup app.
    Winnipeg Jets/Atlanta Thrashers: 1 conf finals app.
    Columbus Blue Jackets: 0-0
    Minnesota Wild: 1 conf finals app.
    Vegas Golden Knights: 2 conf finals app., stanley cup win
    Seattle Kraken: Too early to say but they seem to be on a good track

    I don't care enough about the MLB to know how their playoff system works but they've only added two teams since 1995. Diamondbacks won a title in 2001. Rays made a run fairly recently but haven't gotten a chip yet.

    Among these teams the only ones i'd say that clearly have a step on us are Toronto, Vegas and perhaps the DBacks. If you go further back, the Ducks (1993), other Panthers (1993), Marlins (1993) and Heat (1988) have done well for themselves. But historically we're pretty easily top half among other newer franchises in NA Sports Leagues. Tepper didn't inherit suck. He inherited a team that had flashes of greatness in the past which weren't fully realized due to ineptitude from our higher ups. We were hoping these would finally be fixed with JR gone, yet they've merely been exacerbated. From 1995-2018 we were the most volatile team in NFL history by a mile if you go by yearly win fluctuation.

    Chaotic mediocrity. Since, we haven't even had a winning season. We weren't the best but it was a far cry from the joke we've turned into now. We're the sort of team people groan about when they're on primetime, an absolute laughing stock to the general NFL fan and our fans should be unhappy with the atrocious product that has been on the field ever since we ruined Cam. 

    So what you are saying is, because some teams and franchises suck worse than we do, we don't suck?  I guess I like that attitude!  But sorry, I love this team but I'm also not a blind homer, most of the time.  The team has never had back to back winning seasons, sprinkled in with a winning season every 3 years on average.  So yea, I guess we don't suck taking all things into consideration through our history.

  12. 6 minutes ago, TheBigKat said:









    Thought about throwing our picanaha on today but we aren't having anyone over this weekend and most of it would just go to waste because my wife buys a damn 5 lb slab of lushousnous but boy do we love it.

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