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Everything posted by HPPantherzfan

  1. So what do we have now for the draft next year 1st, 2nd's, 3rd, 4th and 5th rounder with either our 4th or 5th gone in the trade for Baker?
  2. I honestly hate to see him go but it's probably for the best. Hopefully he goes to a contender and has a chance to win a ring and we will get some draft capital for the new regime to build the team the way they see fit.
  3. So you honestly don’t think a 1000 yard receiver, which btw was Sams best receiver in NY, and had chemistry with him AND our glorious ex coach was positive Sam was going to be the Franchise QB of the future, to lock Robbie up for basically Pennie’s on the dollar compared to other #1 receivers? Now we both know Robbie isn’t that but I’m trying to put myself in their shoes at the time. Year 1 was outstanding, so they locked him up, I get that. Sucks it went to poo after that but if you can see the future please give me the winning lottery number, I swear I’ll split it with you
  4. No, even if he wins a few games doesn’t sound like his seat is safe
  5. They extended him because he had over 90 catches and over 1000 receiving yards in 2020 and was the best wide receiver we had on the roster. Honestly, hindsight being 20/20 and all, it was a pretty smart move then
  6. As he should be, given the circumstances he was given I think he has done one hell of a job. Example today, nobody thought we would get multiple picks for Robbie but he did.
  7. I agree with you here, I love to see people that care about winning! However, I think there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. Distancing yourself from your teammates probably wasn't the right thing to do but still I agree with your point
  8. What you also have to mention with McCall is his moxie, the kid just seems to have the IT factor if you ever watch him. He basically wills his team to wins. Yes, you can say they play lesser competition, but that same competition has beaten power 5 schools on the regular lately and to add to that, he is playing with players that don't have the talent of an Ohio St, Clemson, Alabama, etc. So, he is doing all this, because he is GOOD, not because he has NFL talent at every position around him. I'm sold on McCall, would not be mad at all if we traded back, picked up some draft capital and picked him up.
  9. If we are look at players that we are trading back for, it has to be Grayson McCall.
  10. I actually thought he did good with the press conference. I like him being "cagey" makes me think he really wants to win and is disappointed we haven't. He admitted he was still learning, admitted that he is accountable to the fans, admitted mistakes, all things he didn't have to do. Some people say he gave vague answers, I didn't take it that way, I took it exactly how he said it...winning, getting over the hump is winning, being patient is winning more this year than you did last, and winning more next year than you did this year but seeing progress IN THAT AREA which he hasn't. Not sure what all the hate is about with his press conference, personally I say thank you for coming out doing what you didn't have to do! Now, what time is the Wilks press conference
  11. Notice how they don’t show Tepper in the owners box anymore? It’s because he left the game early too
  12. Thank God my wife and I decided to go to a bar today and watch the game. I was tired of getting drunk on Sundays at home. Surrounded by Dallas fans but at least that game is fun to watch
  13. And their D smashed those teams, our Offense isn't struggling, its non existent. Those teams you listed are at least 1 tier above us if not two
  14. I miss Archdale Soda shop, best hot dogs and Archdale Subs, best steak and cheese on the planet
  15. So every year his QB of choice has gotten worse. Got it
  16. Maybe I'm being cynical but I just don't see our Defense as being very good either. So far, we have played the Browns (run all over us), the Giants, the Saints when the QB had a broken back and the Cardinals who until us hadn't lead in a game this year during regulation and yet our Defense is bottom to middle of the league at the start of yesterdays game in almost every category. We will find out if they are actually good or if we have just been playing really bad teams in the next few weeks though.
  17. I have the winning formula for this team, every week we need to play a team where the coaches let it rip and the opposing QB has a broken back
  18. Rex has always been critical of Baker and probably for good reason
  19. Igo can we go ahead an pin a thread for next years draft position?
  20. I don’t care if it’s sir purr, it needs to happen! This coming from someone who believed in him till the end. This needs to be the end!
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