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Posts posted by HPPantherzfan

  1. 2 hours ago, therealmjl said:


    Guessing that neither of you have lived in Columbia (and if not, good for you). Those Gamecocks absolutely hate Cam. I lived there for the past 15 years, glad to be out.

    My daughter went to USC so I don’t live there but I’ve been there a bunch and I’ve never heard anyone say anything negative on Cam, in fact it’s the exact opposite 

  2. 18 minutes ago, Proudiddy said:

    That is the greatest report I have ever heard in the history of ESPN.


    Some fat woman suffered a bruised foot following skirmish that boiled over into the stands today at Patriots/Panthers practice.  Sources say woman was morbidly obese and holding the now discontinued Choco Taco when incident occurred.  More at 6pm.

    Something about this post reminded me of SCP

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  3. 1 minute ago, OceanPanther said:

    What a great game..  We watch games through the eyes of the team we pull for.  Listening to Dook fans complain about the refs or certain calls  is not different than Unc fans  ( go to INSIDE CAROLINA after a loss and you'll see the same complaints. THAT'S WHAT FANS DO ) . 

    One of my Dook friends shared this ..  " Pulling for UNCheats because they are in the ACC or in the state of NC ,,  would be like pulling for  Satan because he's in the Bible "  

    That's what this rivalry is all about.     Many , most , fans find more joy in not losing that actually winning. Sure they want to win,,  but more than that, they do not want to lose to the other. 

    Grand son back in the day  


    I don't know, I disagree with your friend but to each their own.  I'm a huge DUKE fan, have been my whole life but a part of me has always wanted Carolina to be good.  To me, Duke and Carolina wouldn't be what they are if they didn't have each other and both being outstanding programs.  I thought it was one hell of a game, hate we lost but I will be pulling to UNC tonight!  I want the trophy back on Tobacco Road and let all the ACC haters that had the ACC down this year sit and wonder "where did we all go wrong".  

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  4. Everyone thinks that Watson holds all the power here, he don't.  The radio guy down in Houston just said that Nick Caserio would absolutely sit Watson again, he isn't going to take 50 cent on the dollar.  Watson just might want to go to ATL, doesn't matter, Houston wants either picks or young defensive players, young  defensive players on rookie contracts to be exact. ATL can't offer them that so Watson can "want" to go there all he wants to but Houston still has to accept the deal.  Same thing with NO but not as bad as ATL.  Cleveland has talent but can they put a package together Houston will accept?  Deshawn does have final say when it comes to where he plays, unless he just isn't playing at all.  Texans have the ultimate final say in this and listening to what I just heard, it doesn't sound like the aren't afraid to pay a man 35 million to sit on the bench, they just did it.

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  5. Yea I just don't know about the Browns, I've been thinking about the cap and if it is true that Cleveland is desirable because of the roster, to make a move to get Watson the current roster wouldn't be the roster he plays with, they just don't have the room unless a lot of players including himself agreed to some pretty crazy contract renegotiations which I can't see that. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Carl Spackler said:

    You think giving up all your high draft picks for three years, plus all of your good players equals winning MORE?

    The draft picks don't bother me so much, you're giving up the unknown for the known, not just that, a proven commodity in the position that is most important on the field.  Those high draft picks could turn out to be world beaters or they could ride the pine and wasted anyway, you really don't know.  We all know Watson can, and has, played at a very high level.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Carl Spackler said:

    The price is too high. He’s a good player but you’re just giving the Texans a couple Super Bowls. 

    I dunno, I'm old and have the mindset that defense wins superbowls but, we've had some really good defenses here in Carolina over the years and zero rings, in fact we don't even have back to back winning seasons, I'm willing to try something different if it cost us a few defensive pieces 

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  8. 1 minute ago, kungfoodude said:

    Lol. You don't think Warson had talent around him? Might want to check those players he was throwing to.

    Stafford and Wilson have had talent to throw to as well, so Watson doesn't get an advantage there. 

    I am not even saying he isn't an elite QB, I'm saying this rumored price is off. He isn't worth that. 

    I'm honestly on the fence with Watson coming here, it was a hard no for me before he was cleared now I'm open to it so to your question, is a franchise QB with 8 to 10 years of top QB play worth the rumored asking price?  I think if you ask any team in the league they would say yes, look at the teams trying to get him?  The most important position on the field also happens to be the hardest position to actually hit on.  Lock that up long term and you have something to build your team around even if it takes you a year or two to do so but, with that said, looking at the signings we've had already I don't think we are waiting.  The asking price is high, I agree, to high?  No.

  9. 1 minute ago, kungfoodude said:

    He is definitely not better than either of those two QB's IMO. Could he be? Yes. Is he now? Absolutely, unquestionably not.

    Rings don't make a QB great, If Stafford was Watson I believe Detroit would have won a ring but he had to have one of the best all round teams in the NFL to win his, keep that in mind.  Look at Dan Marino, no rings but a far better QB than any mentioned here including Watson

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