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Everything posted by HPPantherzfan

  1. I certainly can't answer this for sure but, Drew Brees had one good year before getting hurt and walking away from Chargers, granted he was young and showed a lot of promise but people say Payton had a hall of fame QB that made him look good, could be the other way around. Brees had a hall of fame coach that knew how to put his undersized, weak arms QB in the best possible position to win. With that said, maybe he can.
  2. We pick 9th, the best we are going to do is a developmental QB with a high ceiling, so, the best they could possibly so is the same. More than likely, we would end trading something low to get Carr. I would argue they have a coach who no one in their right mind would say is in the same stratosphere as Payton. Again, in this scenario, we win
  3. Not a Payton person, don't really care if its him but also wouldn't throw myself off of a bridge if we do hire him like others seem. But you could play devil's advocate with this comment. Perhaps we are using them to rebuild? We are a competent coach and a couple of players away from dominating the south for years. With the current players, if we had an above average coach we could have started that dynasty...this year!
  4. Anyone have confirmation that Payton and Tepper are meeting today and if so, a time? Only thing I've seen is "tentative to meet today"
  5. True but his interview with Denver was what...Monday. There would be more to the story by now besides Russel needs fixing and he liked what he heard. From my understanding before permission was even granted to a team the deal with the Saints had to be worked out and agreed upon, if that is true it's just a matter of the Coach accepting the teams offer and everything I've read so far says Denver ownership has openned the checkbook to Payton
  6. If Payton wanted the Denver job he would already have it. Instead he has agreed to a tentative rescheduled interview date of Monday. Don’t know if he gets the job or not but he at least thinks highly enough of the team to hold off on anything else until he gets his chance to talk to Tepper. That’s how I see it right now, could change
  7. Speaking of this, any of you Charlotte natives ever heard of a place called bellyachers (guessing on the spelling). Tried to google it and only found one in Denver.
  8. Why is it starting to feel like that? Has any other team looking for a head coach hired one yet? I'm glad they are taking their time and "hoping" to get it right this time. The only people off the table right now are coaches that took themselves off the table for all teams
  9. And Matt Rhule was and up and comer...that's the point. There are no guarantees either way
  10. I think that is what you are missing, Payton doesn't have to be as good here as he was in New Orleans...if he is half as good as he was, he would still be better than anything we have every had. Not to mention he is a proven commodity vs an unknown up and comer. What gives you the confidence that we wouldn't continue to be a middle of the pack team with any of the other coaches mentioned during this search cycle? Is there one you believe guarantees we will be an above average team? Which by the way, I was all for Johnson but I'm not going to let my hopes and dreams of the next Sean McVay get in the way of see what is directly in front of me.
  11. I guess you have to ask yourself, how many years of mediocrity have we already endured to have nothing to show for it at all. Payton isn't my first choice but I certainly wouldn't be upset with it. He has proven to be a much better coach than we have ever had here; like the person or not, respect his resume
  12. I normally agree with your post but with this one I cannot. I wouldn't say 15 years with one team, a successful 15 years that is, is the type of coach that wants to get in get his ring and get out. Character, at this point I really could care less about their character, I want to care about Carolina Panther football again and for me that means winning.
  13. Sounds like there is interest from Harbaugh as well
  14. Jim Harbaugh has reportedly talked to Panthers about their opening (msn.com) Sorry didn't realize there was another post on this
  15. Hmm that brings up a question because I really don't know. Do we have to wait? For tampering reasons or whatever? Since Wilks is technically interim head coach are we able to reach out before the season ends without breaking any rules?
  16. It may not be just about the money though. He would be inheriting a train wreck. A QB that still calls offensive plays from the Seahawks, who is over paid and currently can't hit the broad side of a barn...on top of that, with a contract that makes him a fixture for the organization for a few years. Competition in the division, especially with what I mentioned above, also makes it unattractive for a coach that will probably have his pick of teams. Money is an object, for sure, but it may not be the only thing he will be looking at
  17. I didn’t even ask, I was shocked that his credits wouldn’t transfer to Liberty so we talked about that for a little bit, then we talked about Tim Beck, apparently he is pretty high on him and we talked about the NFL draft and why he decided on another year of college over declaring for the NFL draft. He is being told he is probably a 4th or 5th round prospect and he isn’t keen on that but still a possibility.
  18. Hey group, wanted to follow up on this because I was wrong and wanted to update you. So last night a close friend of the McCall family was at a New Year’s party my wife and I attended. And @Varking you were right. If he were to transfer to Auburn, the credits that would transfer would make him a sophomore. Florida did reach out to him, and there was interest on his behalf but he would only have the credits for Junior status and believe it or not…the same for Liberty! So according to what was said last night, he is more than likely coming back to Coastal one more year
  19. Apologize on the name. I can't argue with any of your points besides making it at Coastal should look better for his resume than it would at Liberty given what you mentioned above. Coastal is in the process of building new facilities for all of it's sports programs. With the recent success in Baseball, Football, Track, etc there has been an influx of money. As an ACC fan, I really enjoy Sun Belt athletics, underrated in my opinion but man the games are so much fun
  20. Well, P5 schools were in his ear last year but he wanted to finish what he and Jim Caldwell started at Coastal. Jim made a pretty dumb decision to go to Liberty which, in my opinion, is a lateral move as a coach so it left Grayson wondering what to do with his final year he will be playing. Start over with a new coach and hope for the best or take one of the P5 offers where at least he will get more recognition. But you are right, he is a GOD at Coastal. Tim Beck, for everything I've heard about him was a decent OC and has ties to Coastal (his daughter graduated from there) so well see if he comes back, but I can't blame him if he leaves.
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