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Everything posted by HPPantherzfan

  1. Maybe if they fire all of their coaches they won't be pre-season favorites to win the super bowl next year?! Ah hell what I am thinking, Jerry could be the GM, Coach and every other position coach and the media / fans would still have them has pre-season favorites
  2. I'm sure Jerry has something to do with that
  3. I've thought about this since the initial thread and the only thing I can come up with as the reason for keeping Burns is...the Panthers don't see a franchise QB in this class. I'm assuming that their thought was Burns was more valuable than any QB available. It's the only thing I can think of because you take that trade 10 out of 10 times if you felt you were getting your QB of the future or at least the ammo you need to try and get him.
  4. Not who I wanted either but are you just trolling with this one?
  5. If we make it through the weekend with no coach named I wonder if we pivot back to at least have a second interview
  6. Just read that he isn't out of the race Kellen Moore is 'Not Out of the Race' for Panthers Job (msn.com) Not sure if that means much
  7. Great write up Mr. Scot! Wasn't my first, second or third choice but it is sounding more and more like he is going to be the man so...he has my support
  8. "Coaches are like QB's, you can't keep swinging unless they want to replace you as GM" -Scott Fritter
  9. Thought it was already posted somewhere that he was one of few that was still under contract
  10. He stayed in town, alone, to me is telling. Something must have been said during the interview that "lead" him to believe there was no reason to leave town to quickly
  11. Love Wilks the man and if he ends up being our coach I will pull for him to do great things but I just don't see it happening. I really wish Ben Johnson didn't decide to pull out
  12. One of the most important things, in my opinion, that a new owner...or any owner for that matter...can show is patience. Let's say he pulled Irsay or McNair no one really wants to work for them. Not learning would mean Payton would be hired, sure Rhule was the wrong choice, but he wanted to make a splash and he did! Many were on board with that when we hired him including me; and I don't think him showing patience with Rhule was a bad thing. But I'm with you, I want results, that's why I think he is learning, he knows he can't just hire someone like he did with Rhule, he and the organization are taking their time, doing the interviews, doing the research and hoping the make the right decision this time whether its a splash (Payton) or what we, as fans feel is a dud (Wilks) but "RIGHT" none the less
  13. Tepper is learning on the job. All the hate he gets from some of this fan base is overblown. I don't know anyone that goes into any job and masters it right away
  14. Thats the problem, you can't be informative with any of this as no one knows...that includes anyone on social media: Report: Broncos interview with Sean Payton delayed because of a visit with the Arizona Cardinals (msn.com)
  15. Right, because he still doesn't have a job and continues to interview. To me that doesn't sound like someone that isn't all in, sounds like a reasonable person in any job search, you hope for one or two but don't put all your eggs in any. Right, he can, but the drawn out part makes no sense when Payton is the one drawing it out, what does the length of the process of to do with anything when all jobs are still open and as I said, if no team checks all the boxes right now, why even waste the time? I don't think Payton wants nor needs to do that.
  16. That could be true but it doesn't make that tweet any less stupid. "I think" that he wouldn't be agreeing to more interviews, drawing the process out, if he wasn't coming back this year. He would just say, na not interested in any job available right now and enjoy is TV gig but "I'm not sure"
  17. What a stupid thing to say. What if Carolina doesn't want him, should he just choose not to coach. Hey Mike Kaye, if you don't get that one job please make sure you don't interview for any others
  18. Sometimes you just throw sh-t at the wall and hope it sticks
  19. Thats why I'm wondering if he is even involved in the first interview or is it just the Teppers
  20. lol I don't have Twitter. I don't have any social media accounts, I have bing, start your day news widget
  21. One thing I'm curious on because I haven't seen it posted anywhere but is Fritter in on this interview? All I've heard about is David and Nichole
  22. They could have a chance at either one of those without us. We can't let what ifs stop us from doing what what it takes for us to be better. Starts with a coach
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