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Everything posted by Rick78

  1. I had to make an account to comment. I just cannot believe Panther fans are still scapegoating Hurney at every turn for the ineptitude of the organization as a whole. Hate him all you want, but the truth is Hurney picked players that were the best in this franchises history, some being HOF players. He picked, and traded for players that should have had consistent success. He had the QB, Cam. He had the QB of the defense, Luke. He had the left trackle, Gross. He had the Mr. Dependable, Olsen. He had several great defensive lineman. Then you have pieces like Wharton, Gamble, Deangelo, Stewart. The team was littered with talent when Gettleman, and Rivera got it. Just littered. Yeah, the cap space was fuged from the cap not growing in 2010, and then going down the following year (isn't that the only time that's happened before in the NFL)? But we should have been operating around max cap anyway with the amount of talent on the team, and the amount of elite players on rookie deals. That's how perpetual winners do it. You don't win games by going into a season with 20 million in cap space (Gettleman). Meanwhile Dave Gettleman goes to NY and shows his true colors. Consistently produced a top five pick team, throwing away tons of assets, and even *SHOCK* cap space. He's been terrible. They are somehow worse than us. Meanwhile in Carolina we've had the worst off-season in franchise history and a lot of people here I'm reading are all about giving Fitts mulligan? HELLO? He wasted 3 draft picks on a certified bust at quarterback, wasted a first round pick at a luxory position that lately has been producing top 10 busts (ironically for QB needy teams that end up letting them walk in FA or trading them, then finally getting their QB they needed), signs two horrific offensive lineman the first day of free agency (while letting guys that did alright last year walk), then he goes into the season 3-0, big dick swinging, talking about playoffs and trades for another fuging cornerback like it was a need. Shockingly we're going into the third season of needing a quarterback, and just like smart fans last year predicted this was going to be a really bad year to need one. I don't get how people here post tens of thousands of times, but are so consistently off the mark. Do you have eyes?
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