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Everything posted by Icege

  1. Folks were flagging. Said shitposter (talking about @LinvilleGorge so that there's no confusion) has made it clear that they don't act on reports if they don't like the person submitting them. I mean, there was a thread this week with the opening post attacking Mr. Scot that LG participated in. Having differing opinions about football is one thing, but directly encouraging a toxic environment and trying to blame it on the people that don't care for it like he and others have done ain't it. fwiw I appreciate efforts by yourself, Ricky, and rayzor despite life events and the state of the team. Y'all consistently show an attempt to truly understand whatever perspectives are involved in a situation before handling it.
  2. The board is garbage and it isn't because the team is losing. Active moderators have made it abundantly clear that we're not allowed to discuss the Panthers without whining, derailing threads, or making little zingers about BY9. Maybe holding shitposters accountable would bring the clicks back, but that'd require the biggest shitposter to be demodded. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. All of the copium from the Texans and Bears fans in this thread is delicious
  5. You're absolutely right. It makes zero sense to remain on the Huddle if somebody wants to actually discuss football instead of scapegoating a rookie QB.
  7. Should have listened to myself just minutes prior to posting this topic
  8. The whole episode is an awesome listen. Cam teaching Rhule how to coach was wild but not exactly unexpected
  9. Several of the frequent intelligent/rational posters have migrated over to the Panthers discord server instead of posting here after it was made clear that this was a place where people are only allowed to bitch about the team. Unrelated, if you want company to watch the game this week or kid-friendly recommendations to take TheLilKats too while y'all are down this way feel free to hmu!
  10. The moment it was made clear that the current state of the message board is okay because it's no longer a community but a place for content to be consumed, the more the current active moderation made sense. The subreddit discord has been a welcome change.
  11. They have got to find a way to get this kid some weapons.
  12. Not a good look for anybody and doesn't exactly send an inspiring message to the team. Would rather Thomas be able to develop with Bryce with the season already looking the way it does. This just reeks of, "We're getting fired so now I have to do everything," from Frank.
  13. I think so? I don't know what's considered right/normal/etc here anymore. First we weren't allowed to be positive and now who knows if we're allowed to be even keel. This current "coping" of aggressively defending another team's QB's from anything that isn't hero worship is way too goofy for me though. Oh, and @frankw, if it will help you sleep at night here's me defending Stroud when the "character concerns" were floating around. I'd offer tweets as well, but since you've made it clear that you have notifications on for me already I'll save us both the time. And look, let's stop the beating around the bush. We're both aware of why you defend Cam and CJ as passionately as you do: the media trotted out harmful stereotypes in an attempt to fill the airwaves and shitty people with shitty views latched onto those shitty narratives to continue their shitty ways. That's terrible and it shouldn't have happened to them, full stop. Them having experienced that does not exclude them from factual observations about their situations with their teams though. Stroud has had play calling, play design, pass protection, receivers separating, and a developing run game help set him up for success that he was bound to achieve based on his skillset and talent alone. Freaking out and reacting as if that means that the person who mentioned those in-season observations believed the pre-draft character assassination attempts is just gaslighting yourself into being an asshole. That's like screaming at somebody for being Nawrocki 2.0 because they wished Cam would have worked on his mechanics more when he was playing so he wouldn't have had those lasers that would fly just a little too high for his receivers. It's asinine, and I'm sure there's better things that you can do with your time than that. Hell, hmu and we can game sometime if that'll help you decompress from Panthers' football.
  14. It is so strange seeing Panthers fans going out of their way to defend another team's QB the same way they did/do for Cam. It is even weirder how when folks point out that the Texans have done a much better job of supporting CJ with pass protection, play calling, play design, receivers getting open, and finding success in the run game that some of CJ's fans get personally offended. I haven't seen anything stated nor insinuated that CJ is being carried by the Texans, but I've definitely seen his fans make sure to scream that CJ and CJ alone is the sole reason for the Texans' recent success (and damn any data or film showing otherwise!). Folks went from complaining about Cam not getting the OL + WR help that he needed to refusing to acknowledge the same situation for Bryce... what a time.
  15. The irony of the three posters most likely to poo up a thread being the first three to respond with no attempt at a good faith engagement says all that needs to be said.
  16. Nobody wants a positive vibes threads. If anybody believes that's what folks want then they're incredibly bad at listening (or incredibly good at trolling?). Folks want to be able to have a good faith discussion about Panthers football and learn something from it without it devolving into posters being accused of working for the team or being a burner account simply because they aren't raging on the Internet. That's it. Unfortunately, when there is anything that isn't incessant bitching it's mocked as "hope." So... enjoy the threads of incessant bitching I suppose? Was hoping to catch a film review thread but instead we have this.
  17. Just checking in to see if the Cottards have seen a throw that impressed them yet
  18. This one hurts bad. Thank you so much for everything you've done. Your knowledge was one of the primary reasons I kept coming back to the Huddle, along with everybody else that spends more time trying to figure things out rather than scream about who is to blame. I hope that LCF and yourself find peace and joy going forward. I understand though. Yesterday was my 40th birthday and I only had one rule for myself: Don't log on to the Huddle. Despite that, out of reflex, I opened a tab for the forum (but quickly closed it). My wife watched her game (Giants) and I watched mine, commiserating over our teams now and then, and when it was all over we hung out until my mom came back with our son. It was one of the best birthday's I've ever had. Despite the ugly Panthers' loss, there wasn't any ugliness in my life. I was able to sit back and appreciate everything that I have instead of having to mentally steel myself for the toxic environment that the Huddle has become (made worse by the fact that an active moderator is one of the leading culprits and therefore validating the toxicity) when trying to see what other posters that are knowledgeable about football are seeing. The Panthers lost, but I'm still a fan of the team and going to keep cheering on Sundays. If I want to talk about the team though, I'll probably spend more time in the group chat with some local friends that are also fans.
  19. RG3's arc as a wild man media member is one that I'm here for.
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