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matt rhules gut fat

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Everything posted by matt rhules gut fat

  1. Looking past how awful Rhule’s thinking and processes are in developing this team, and let’s be real, his record of sucking clearly backs all of that up so far. What is this idea that having better coaches (supposedly) on staff making everything alright? That we might have somewhat better success in spite of Rhule instead of because of him? Like what’s the point just get a better HC lol
  2. We need less Matt Corral posts and more Sam Darnold is so classy and great for handling this situation so well posts
  3. What’s gonna be crazy is Rhule continues to have Darnold and Baker split 1st team reps and then Baker struggles/gets hurt and Darnold obviously fails hard Rhule will get desperate and put Corral in to save his job who got none of those key reps you can just see it
  4. Darnold needs as many 1st and 2nd team reps as possible. After all, he’s basically a rookie.
  5. Baker is better than Darnold but that’s not saying much. Don’t wanna give up much if anything for him. At this point I would like to see one of these QBs left drop to us and grab them. Outside chance it would work but we have need at both starting/backup and Darnold and PJ clearly don’t fit the bill.
  6. Well duh who takes pride in wasted picks for such terrible players? Lol
  7. Yes out of 7 so glad we will be able to active in the late rounds definitely makes wasting those picks better
  8. Good lord do we have any picks in this draft or did we use them all for Sam Darnold and CJ lol
  9. With the 38th pick in the 2022 nfl draft the Carolina Panthers select Sam “basically a rookie” Darnold Well done guys *clap* *clap*
  10. Wilks just doesn’t want a guy like Nakamura at safety again lol
  11. Gave up a 2nd, 4th, and 6th for a complete bust in Sam Darnold I can only imagine how badly the 49ers and Browns want to be trade partners with Rhule.
  12. Rhule and Darnold represent the epitome of “the brand” And toughest, most competitive team in the nfl?
  13. People already talking themselves into playing Darnold again as a good idea lol. How many times do you have to get kicked in the nuts before you want it to stop?
  14. Rhule takes as much care of his body as he does this team.
  15. Nobody wants to watch that goofy wiener lob interceptions all year long. He can go be “basically a rookie” for someone else.
  16. Maybe he’ll have another good training camp. Thats been like our Superbowl in recent years watching scrubs be mvps at training camp.
  17. I’m sure Watson is just itching to play foran elite salary making coach like Matt Rhule. Hell, seeing that preview of Rhule wrongly blaming Cam for a play during a post game interview is probably so enticing that he’s begging for the chance to experience that lack of support himself. Not to mention, having to deal with that awesome part of the Carolina fan base that would tell you they still would prefer Sam freaking Darnold over him because……… well………..reasons.
  18. People were desperate to push Blaine Gabbert as the top pick because Cam just didn’t look or feel, you know……genuine …… but man Cam was one of hell of a prospect when you go down the list. Seeing him play in college was such a treat. Don’t see Malik Willis as quite the same level of prospect but he has a ton of potential. Having the right coaching on hand matters and I think we all know where this team stands in that category.
  19. Why is Matt Rhule still a thing for us [–]ColinThompsonN4L[S] 42 points 20 hours ago Because he is a great coach! Patients. Lmao tells me all I need to know about this guy.
  20. I do love watching Thomas catch a pass though. Seeing his snail like movement and zero YAC combined with his complete inability to drive through any tackles is a treat to watch. We got him on the cheap me thinks.
  21. Matt Rhule getting paid more than Sean Mcvay to make these kind of moves. Dudes probably gorging down one of those microwaveable bomb burritos while on the throne laughing at Panther fans reactions to this lmao.
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