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  1. I was wondering the other day why this organization has operated the way it has? And then it hit me. And now as a panthers fan, one since we were lucky enough to be awarded a franchise, and now, since i had the vision, I can't see it any other way. Our logo has no Soul! When I say Soul, I mean eye balls. When you got no eyeballs you are just going to wander around aimlessly like we have the last 30 years. Sure we got lucky a couple of times, but even in our 2 trips to the Superbowl, we were still lost. It is your eyes that brings the soul to life. Its the eyes that let you see what you need to do and which way to go. It gives you vision! So until our logo has eyes, there is literally no way to move forward because we wont know which way that is. I'm not asking for a for a complete overhaul just some Soul Here is a version with eyeballs. Anyone more creative that can put eyeballs in it please do.
  2. Right now ....is when you need to play some Defense again, Right now .... take the dolphin by the fin Right now... take us in a new direction, force a fumble , get an interception Right now..... give Cam adequate protection so he an Dj cam make that connection. Right now... tell the online they need to block, So chuba, Abdullah, and cmc can run the rock Right now.... that all I got Keep Pounding
  3. There was a time a few years ago when I was ready for a new quarterback. Cam was struggling, looked done, and was being lead by hampered by the previous staff, and an organization that can never seem to put it all together. I watched Cam at New England and thought okay, we made the right football decision by moving on. I ,like many wished we would have chosen better. Someone...anyone...other than teddy two yards. Then this year happened. Winning then losing.. Up, then down. Like way down.... cause it showed on our team's faces. We could all feel the life getting sucked right out of our souls. Then , I woke up one morning in an alternate reality. Cam was on our team again? wut? Okay. Still I thought, is this a wise decision? I have been a Panthers fan since 95 and this is easily the strangest development our team, the CAROLINA PANTHERS, has ever witnessed. The front office has left the next couple of years with major hurdles to jump over, so at this point I say, it's ride with Ace Boogie bitches. It's more fun. Throw rational out the window. Our team doesn't have a history of making the best picks come draft time anyway. Cam took a good defense and a bunch of scrubs all the way to the Big Game. And got robbed. We all know it. We needed a quarterback and we got one that took this franchise to its highest heights. This season could very well be done with at this point. But it ain't over yet, unless we lose today. I don't have any stats or analytics to add, but I will say this since igo won't. Fug the Dolphins...Fug em!
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