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Smitty will punch you

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  1. People wanted Aaron Glenn fired his first two years but Dan stuck by his guy.
  2. All yall hater…wash your face we have a franchise qb
  3. Can we please start Richardson at safety…kid really might be a player.
  4. Went from the high possibility of being paid like a glorified 2 or lower 1. To glued to the 4th wr depth chart. killed his FA value and future money with his silly attitude
  5. Proud of chubba I remember when he first got here…he had the worst hands I’ve ever seen from a back. putting in the work pays off
  6. Please expanding to me why are we running outta bounds. i hate this organization as a whole
  7. Mortgaged our future for a guy that lasted 18 games
  8. No it don’t. I’m willing to bet Tepper sent the word down. last night Canales repeatly said Bryce is our guy.
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