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  1. Zero chance. This team will have at least 4 conference losses, and it could be 5 if they lose to Duke. Then get blown out by the 9th place SEC team in some shitty bowl game.
  2. Dude, shut the fuuuuuck up. You argued all day with me about Tarheels football. Just shut the fuuuuuuuuuck up!
  3. So wanting to win a national championship isn't representative of our fan base. You continue to make my point for me.
  4. I comprehend that there is winning national championships and there is not winning national championships. I take zero pride in pounding my chest that we played Tennessee in the Orange Bowl, or having kids drafted first overall. If our team sucked, and our kids should be playing at JUCOs, I'd be as stoked as you are to be 6-1, and most likely 8-4 when we lose to Duke, State and Clemson. But we have a great team, who is led by mediocre coaches. Yes, 8-4 is better than 3-9, but that's not the point.
  5. You keep using the worst case scenario as the baseline. That's not the baseline anymore. If Virginia was better than we are, I'd leave it alone. But they aren't, and that's the issue. I don't give a Duke about the Davis, Bunting, Fedora years. I live in this year. And this year we squandered a legit shot to play in the college football playoff by being under coached and unprepared in a game where we were -2200 favorites. You keep saying Mack is great because we aren't 3-9, and we get recruits. I don't, and never will settle for that level of mediocrity in any part of my life. With this roster and with this schedule, we should've gone undefeated until we played Florida State in the ACC Championship game.
  6. Goes back to the conversation we were having earlier. We are a poorly coached, unprepared team the majority of the time.
  7. I should've bet way more on the SMU game over. We may be there by halftime.
  8. If we played in the SEC, I'd agree. Minus Clemson (and maybe Duke) this season, we are 2 TDs better than everyone on our schedule. The loss to UVA is unacceptable on so many levels, but mainly coaching and preparation. Let's re-assess in 5 weeks. No point in pissing and moaning amongst ourselves until the season plays out. If we go 12-1, win the ACC title and I get to go to Miami again I'll be fine with that.
  9. Thank you for proving my point. In this conference, with this talent, with this year's schedule, this team should be to that level. If you're fine being 8-5 or 9-4 every year, thats cool. That's just not what I expect from a team with this caliber of talent, in a subpar conference with an insanely favorable schedule.
  10. Over 55 in the SMU game off to a good start. That's our big play for the early games. I like KU first half as well, but didn't bet it.
  11. You think the "program" (I wouldn't use that word) is back on track after losing to maybe the worst Power 5 Football "program" in America? This type of thought process is why we aren't a program, and never will be. If Drake Maye's whole family didn't go to Carolina, and he didn't live in Charlotte he'd be leading Alabama (a real program) to a national title. Instead he's here, being coached by dummies to lead us to another New Era Pin Stripe Bowl vs Rutgers. Go Heels.
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