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  1. A current Super Bowl contender will lose it's starting QB for the season (think Dak, Cowboys) and Cam is going to sign with whatever team that is, and be in the Super Bowl .. That's why Cam hasn't signed yet there is a master plan nobody sees yet. Cam sure isn't done as an effective starter in the NFL, believe that much.
  2. Isn't this the team who ruined a promising QB .. Darnold is what this franchise deserves
  3. This is exactly why drafting a RB in the top 10 and paying huge money to RB's is a dumbass decision. Drafting CMC at 8 then making him the highest paid RB were dumbass moves. Chuba is a 4th round pick and is good. Kamara, good, third round pick. Good RB's .. elite RB's can be regularly had in rounds 3 and 4 and even later.
  4. Nick Caserio runs Houston nowadays .. he's from New England. CMC really doesn't hold much value anyway, he's missed most of this season so far and missed nearly all of last season. Huge contract, often injured.
  5. No. Every halfway decent franchise knows paying a RB a huge contract like CMC has is not smart.
  6. What don't people get about this ... and shouldn't Watson be canceled for this?
  7. I mean .. the only question I have to those who want Watson is … you trying to ruin this guy’s playing career? Carolina, you’ve virtually always had a piss poor offensive line, and some of you want to bring in a guy who’s torn his ACL twice? Who has an astronomical contract? Who would cost ample draft capital? When we already need more as it is?
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