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  1. A vastly different look would be Cam in, Darnold out .. Cam can still run, 12 TD rushing last season .. vintage Cam
  2. At the end of the day Cam is better than Sam and Bridgewater
  3. If Cam has good QB left we can't afford it to come with someone else .. we need to sign Cam just incase he's still good .. if he isn't - ok - but if he can still be good and it's with another team - that'd be a back breaker to this franchise
  4. These peoples' votes in elections count as much as a well educated political scientists vote
  5. We need to sign Cam just because we can't afford it if he goes to another team and plays well, when we have Sam and PJ
  6. You'd want Walker over Cam? OP will be huge mad when Cam resurrects his career and proves his arm is not done.
  7. Hopefully Cam would have us back. We need to sign Cam ... Cam had a better year than Darnold last year, and quite a few others, like Matt Ryan Cam had 21 TD last season, Jimmy G had 28 SF's Super Bowl season .. Cam wasn't that bad, 7 less TD than Jimmy's SB season - and Cam had 1 less game
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