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  1. Ok thx. So poo is frowned upon unless absolutely putrid! LOL Got it!
  2. Thx! I'm used to Twitter. You either like something or you don't! LOL
  3. Thx! I'm used to Twitter. Either you like something or you don't! LOL
  4. Cool! Thank you very much! Kinda confusing! LOL If I like I'll do flame, if I hate - poo I guess!
  5. What I thought but pie seems better than poo! And what abput the eggplant?
  6. I did! So pie is worst take and beer is best?
  7. Sorry I'm a newbie, can someone explain the pie to beer rating thing?
  8. Sorry I'm a newbie, can someone explain the pie to beer rating thing?
  9. Sorry I'm a newbie, can someone explain the pie to beer rating thing?
  10. Sorry I'm a newbie, can someone explain the pie to beer rating thing?
  11. Sorry I'm a newbie, can someone explain the pie to beer rating thing?
  12. Sorry I'm a newbie, can someone explain the pie to beer rating thing?
  13. Sorry I'm a newbie, can someone explain the pie to beer rating thing?
  14. Sorry I'm a newbie, can someone explain the pie to beer rating thing?
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