Start off by trying to establish a run game.
Whatever we can do to keep the ball out of Darnold's hands.
Unfortunately, we're down 7 early, forcing us to throw, Darnold two picks has us down by 17 going into half.
Right before half Darnold pretends to pull something, enters PJ, who leads us to a FG before half.
Team comes out, and scores 21 pointsand the 3rd quarter under the leadership of PJ.
4th quarter we continue the second half shut out, and PJ drops 3 more TDs in the 4th quarter giving him 6 TD total for the game.
QB controversy Monday morning headlines in Charlotte Observer...
Or I get ban again, Sam plays the whole game, defense keeps us in it long enough for Darnold to hand the game over...
Either way, I'm excited....