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  1. Bless your heart. Still holding on. I admire that.
  2. I accidentally stumbled across the game channel surfing after I promised myself I was done with this team until Tepper is gone. Watched one play. Last one of a 3 and out, of course. And I think I'm good for the year. God bless the diehards but there is no entertainment value left in this team.
  3. Well...with Tepper at the helm you're more likely to end up with a lineup like this:
  4. The difference between Icky last season and this was Cam Erving. Whatever mentoring he was doing with Ick was working.
  5. Another Pittsburghian come down South to teach us how to "fix" our culture? Who could have foreseen such destruction?
  6. Figured they'd be wearing sackcloth on their heads by now.
  7. All the insane internal and geopolitical crap going on right now and bad football is what drives folks to the streets in protest? We are not a serious people.
  8. Only losers think losing is a good thing. The draft is boring. Boring to watch. Boring to talk about. If I wanted to be bored I'd become a soccer fan. Play to win the game or don't play at all.
  9. Cam is done. Cam is done. Cam is done. Just stop.
  10. I like being a fan of a team where I'm looking forward to the next game more than the next season. Only losers think losing is a good thing.
  11. Only losers think losing is a good thing.
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