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Everything posted by Teddy2SuperBowlHeartBreaks

  1. There will be a QB available at 33 with better intangibles and physical traits than Bryce. If you fire Reich and the GM just move on entirely. It’s over.
  2. I guess that’s kind of my point? It’s an awesome place to retire/have a family etc. But otherwise it’s very bland, and seems to lead to lackluster effort on the field.
  3. Much like our boy CMC, I’ve been traded to the Bay Area. My firm is moving me there + a promotion/bonus. Mentally my toes are already in the sand of the beaches on the Pacific Ocean. I grew up here, left for college/mid twenties and came back expecting to spend the rest of my life here, but upon some reflection it’s one of the most uninspiring places in the US. Creativity and ingenuity are stifled here. “This is how we’ve always done it” should be the State slogan. Ive figured out why the Panthers (and Hornets) suck. Charlotte sucks, and to some extend North Carolina sucks. In a way that is what makes it North Carolina but for anyone really striving for “more” in life than Bojangles and winning the powerball it’s basically Mississippi. This is just my personal experience and it means very little but I wonder how it must feel playing professional sports in the “city” of Charlotte. I can’t imagine anybody on the Panthers roster puts on the uniform and plays “for the city” like they do in Pittsburgh, Philly, Dallas etc. There isn’t anything about Charlotte or Raleigh that make them “special” or unique, and they only have teams because of the population. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that so many former players ball out when they leave here.
  4. Why is the game being broadcast on a shopping website
  5. I’m waiting for the day people realize that having a “number 1 receiver” does very little to move the needle for a team. The Raiders are a perfect example of this as they’ve regressed since getting Adams.
  6. So? The damage is already done. In this very thread it’s already being taken as “fact” and used to tarnish somebody’s reputation. Most people will read the headline, come away with a completely false narrative and move on with their day.
  7. So it doesn’t bother anyone that the “media” can report something as ridiculous as this, it sours the public perception of the player, and in 2 weeks when the redaction comes out nobody will care because the narrative is already sown in the public consciousness?
  8. Would you want to draft Caleb Williams/Drake Maye and move on from Bryce? The Bears were in this scenario last year. I guess they could have taken Stroud and moved on from Fields but I’d say taking our idiotic deal was probably best for them. I would probably trade down and get more weapons for Bryce.
  9. So is Devonta Smith. A few weeks ago he was “Mic’d up” and his entire segment was him joking about not wanting to block anybody, or participate in the “tush push” because if his small frame. He is still a dog and worth a 1st round pick. Most WRs don’t particularly enjoy contact. Steve Smith is an incredible exception to the rule.
  10. Williams, when he has played has looked like a first round WR. He’s had like 3 incredible TDS called back for penalties. His career has been weird but the talent is actually there. If we could get another 1st I don’t see how you don’t pull the trigger
  11. It seems like this will be his last year in NE. He’d probably want 15-20 million a year and Tepper would probably be one of the few owners willing to pay that. He could resurrect his legacy by building a winning somewhere outside of NE, where better than Boston-South in Charlotte.
  12. Honestly the damage has been done. We’ve traded away a generational RB. Second best WR in the history of the franchise. Passed on a great QB prospect this year, and passed on potentially taking one of the generational QB talents in next years draft. His keycard should already be deactivated
  13. It was eye opening when he wasn’t able to get to the sidelines on his scramble on the first drive. It seemed like he had a lane, and able 10 yards between him and the corner. Like damn I feel like even I would have picked up more than 3 yards there.
  14. “Teachers know that the teaching profession is low paying before becoming teachers , therefore no teacher should ever even bother with inquiring about a pay raise”
  15. It’s embarrassing when any draft pick struggles. That’s life. Doesn’t mean anybody should be force to live and work somewhere they personally don’t want to. The only other industry this is applicable to is the fuging Military. It’s stupid and exploitative.
  16. I’d argue that there already is a lack of competition in the NFL. How many blow outs have there been this year? About 20-25 teams have no shot at winning the Super Bowl any given year. “Any given Sunday” is literally just marketing. I’m not quite sure what you mean about the NBA.The last NBA Championship was won by a team whose best player was drafted during a Taco Bell commercial. The correlation isn’t high draft picks = success. The FO has to first make the right pick and then manage the roster in a way that gets the most use out of the players.
  17. Ok, I’m all hears, explain to me the difference. Other than the fact that society actually need’s qualified lawyers.
  18. “It’s simply not how it works”..I really don’t see why. Whatever industry you work in you have the option to choose where you work. The best lawyer in law school doesn’t get drafted to the worst firm in the country, they go work wherever they want. The draft really only benefits the owners who can field terrible teams year after year and then ruin their prospects.
  19. I kind of feel like this is his plan. Destroy the team, kill morale…ask for a subsidy that he knows he won’t get, then move or sell the team. The hedge fund special.
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