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  1. LMAO, yep all the Trump supporters I know refer to him as Commander in P grabber. Got me.
  2. I have not defended that cancer you pompous ass, learn to read. I stated Watson deserved the same “due process before being labeled a sexual predator. And bringing Watson here will have everything to do with politics and fan support. You dumb @ss.
  3. Also for the record this kid deserves the presumption of innocence since he has not been convicted, charged or even suspended by league. Safe to say it ain’t gonna happen. Let’s give him the same presumption of innocence we gave the Commander in P grabber who had more accusations. If the grabber can lead the country and still flaunt plenty of power to this day I think Watson can QB the Carolina Panthers.
  4. For the record I am no damn troll. Born and raised in NC and dropped the Cowboys in 95, my childhood team to root for Panthers . I have no problem calling a spade a spade
  5. Russel Wilson has done well for years with less than adequate line. Line has never been a strength of Texans yet Watson has performed at high level. So exceptional QB play can mask deficiencies with your O line so I respectfully disagree. You could have the best line in the league and Darnold will still throw picks.
  6. Darnold was not under any duress when he made those 5 horrible picks last two weeks or the 5-7 throws that could have went for scores or kept drives going. Not on the line. He looks like a damn rookie. And yes the outcome would have been different with Watson and thankfully we do not have a owner who accepts mediocrity
  7. Darnold was not under any duress when he made those 5 horrible picks last two weeks or the 5-7 throws that could have went for scores or kept drives going. Not on the line. He looks like a damn rookie. And yes the outcome would have been different with Watson and thankfully we do not have a owner who accepts mediocrity
  8. I was hoping I would never have to make this post but it is obvious there is no way around. Darnold is a turnover machine on a good team or bad team and his accuracy leaves a lot to be desired. He is not answer. Ship him to Texans with a couple of 1st picks and maybe a defensive player to sweeten the deal.
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