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  1. Of course half of Wake County are from NYC ( Long Island) the other half are from Buffalo. ("I'ma buyin' uh house ova' hea'"). I'm sure I'm the only native Carolinian in the Raleigh area.
  2. They'll take their frustrations out on Navy.. .. wait and see
  3. This is why we have Young.. Michelle Yepper
  4. The only person in ( from ) the Carolinas with enough money to buy the team ( other than Navarro...and that ship has sailed) is Jim Goodnight. He's a billionaire but not a crazy rich billionaire like Tepper. Plus he's in his early 80s and has no desire to be in the "club".
  5. ...they say the darntest things..
  6. If memory serves Kraft was asking for the "Happy Ending Special" at a message parlor. I'm not sure that rises to the level of "human trafficking".
  7. Marinovich was roughly 6"4 225. I understand the "bust" comparison, but there's where it ends Marinovich later in life became a crackhead and herion junkie.
  8. Maybe Bryce could try a career in politics?
  9. Canales..... talking to his agent hoping to latch on with an offensive staff somewhere, anywhere when the hammer drops. Prove me wrong
  10. Was also listening. Listening to Luke do color commentary and dissecting plays is like watching Matt Damon solve those wild azz equations in "Good Will Hunting". The man knows football.
  11. The lone bright spot of this depressing day....( Disclaimer, I hate the fugging 'Aints)
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