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About BigDog

  • Birthday 06/06/1975


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  1. Our defense is so terrible because they don’t perform the basics. If you watch the majority of our guys stand there waiting for the ball carrier to come to them instead of running downhill to the ball carrier and making the tackle. That’s what allows them to change direction and run away from the tackler so easy or they always get knocked back by the ball carrier because he has all the momentum.
  2. Wow how many times have we seen refs blow the play dead this year when defense jumped off sides. But of course not today when the team is playing the panthers.
  3. Blowout on the way. Legette doesn’t even seem to fight for the ball like he should be doing with his size. He is just going through the motions.
  4. Wow 3 timeouts and you don’t even call one to try and ice the kicker WTF!!
  5. Crazy how the entire team went to sh** today. Played good the last 5 games and then today totally fell apart. Well I’ve seen enough time to do something else catch y’all next weekend.
  6. BS calls! That’s why the coach should be able to challenge anything they want. It shouldn’t matter what they challenge, they would still have the sane amount to use on whatever they want.
  7. Chubbs’s fumble did suck, I admit it made me sick but he has been a beast all year long. I put the loss more on the refs and missed field goals.
  8. Bryce has finally arrived, I’m so glad for the young man. It seems he has finally put it together.
  9. There offensive line holding all the way down the field again. Looks like our line finally had enough of it, great job!
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