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About boney

  • Birthday 09/20/1988

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  1. boney

    can you help me cancel my all-pro please? been emailing you about it.


  2. Any luck cancelling my all-pro yet? Was just billed for it again and you stopped responding to my emails.


    Screen Shot 2021-08-10 at 2.04.23 PM.png

  3. https://twitter.com/GregJennings/status/579701596025683968 Hmmm
  4. Bill Voth transcribed the calls for those interested: http://blackandbluereview.com/greg-hardy-911-call/
  5. Yeah, its weird that the woman talking on this call was there and saw this happening but didn't mention the bed of guns she was supposedly thrown onto? You'd think if you called to cops over to a violent situation you would warn them of copious amounts of guns laying around
  6. http://media.charlotteobserver.com/smedia/2014/05/14/17/29/d6dCY.So.138.mp3 aaaaaand here is the neighbors call.
  7. Lets not forget that there is another tape from a neighbor that called the police who said she saw and heard a woman being abused. Don't know where that one is... I guess it is possible that the neighbor saw Hardy's "manager" restraining her and thought that was abuse but who knows at this point.
  8. Greg was in court today, Rosenhaus was there with him but left with no comment.
  9. LOL is he insinuating that the locker room will fall to pieces without him? I'll take my chances with this guy.
  10. I keep thinking back to Gettleman's response when the reporters asked why we decided to give Greg a workout bonus..."I wanted him to be near me." I certainly don't want to jump to conclusions but that quote takes on a whole different light if what you are saying is true. At the time I assumed it was for negotiation purposes, but I wonder if they were hoping to keep him focused and out of trouble.
  11. From what I've been reading this incident involves both communicating threats AND assault.
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