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Mike in Raleigh

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    Carolina Panthers

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  1. I'll take the L's as long as the team is competitive. I'd consider that an improvement and something to build on.
  2. Years of abject failure tends to have that effect on people.
  3. Not arguing that point at all. I never expected them to go from worst to first. It feels like a marketing strategy more than anything seeing as how the opposite approach failed so spectacularly last time.
  4. I agree with you on that to a degree. It's smart on their part to not broadcast themselves as "the dream team." However, much of this seems to be the same team doing the same things they have always done with better marketing. I'm sorry to say I'm really disappointed in this draft so far. I could be wrong as I frequently am. It just feels like deja vu and we'll be here a year from now bitching about how crappy our draft strategy was.
  5. You know what would be refreshing? Drafting players with proven talent. I get so frustrated with the Panthers picking players for "potential " year after year. It hasn't really worked out. Yet, here we are....again.
  6. That's great and all but they seem to be picking the same "diamond in the rough " guys that Fitt got run out of town for.
  7. They do seem to be all about lowering expectations for the season. Which might be great for the coaching staff to be employed more than 3 months. However, its not very exciting as a fan. I wasn't expecting to go to the Superbowl but "hey guys, we're just gonna be bad again this year but wait until 2025" approach kinda sucks.
  8. I couldn't agree more. This draft might end up with a different outcome, but the process feels like deja vu all over again.
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