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Everything posted by Day1PanthersFan

  1. Show a little respect,We wouldn't have made it to the superbowl without that man, most of Jake's game winning drives were finished off by Kasay, and kicking game winning kicks isn't easy , ask Eddie Pinero And like those few extra yards would have made a difference to Tom Brady and Wes Welker against our gassed D
  2. If it does end like this, I mostly hate it for the players, we can turn it off and move on , but they have to live it, live with there hopes and dreams crushed at the gates of elysium Time to take a break from sports , not gonna watch the finals, don't care who wins anymore I will definitely be back here for the regular season, I came here because of the Panthers, but found a cool group of hockey fans to talk to while I watch the Canes, no hockey fans where I live so it's refreshing
  3. This is depressing , its the 09 ecf all over again, our team looks defeated before they take the ice
  4. We are like Washington before they finally won it , with the Cup the stars(not Dallas) have to align in your favor Fate delt us a bad hand with Svech going down, and the rest of our scorers are Mia, and facing a deep team Let's please do not let this place get toxic also, I have about stopped posting in the Huddle cult , I have drank that Kool aid too many times, going to just set back and see what happens, atleast I can say Canes fans are in touch with reality more We may win, we may lose, but at the end of the day, we still love our team
  5. Never forget, without Tom Brady,the peasants are holding a Lombardi over our head Oddly enough he is also one of the reasons we don't have a suberbowl And the reason Tampa got another one On second thought, yeah your right
  6. Yeah, Florida already acts like it's written in the stars for them to win , and aren't humble about it all It isn't over till it's over, there might be an early hurricane warning in Florida!!! (And if we don't win, I will become a temp Dallas/Vegas fan for a week)
  7. If this is the end of the series , we need more than 1 superstar, and we need a vezina calibre goalie Now we can get back to arguing about the Panthers, which huddle ensures me Reich will be the greatest coach in history, and every time I doubt that I am immediately insulted, so it must be true
  8. What happens when 2 unstoppable forcess meet Overtime
  9. Boys starting to skate, getting chances , drawing a penalty
  10. It's 1-1, lost a 5 ot nail biter in game 1 Florida isn't a buzzsaw , if they were this would be 4-1 right now But its tied and you are acting like it's over , We just bulldozed overconfident soft teams in the first 2 rounds, but have met our mirror image ,these are 2 teams playing a chess game , and it's just started
  11. We are just not very coordinated in the offensive zone, seem panicked and trying to get lucky instead of attacking
  12. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/antonio-brown-might-be-coming-out-of-retirement-for-one-game-but-not-in-the-nfl/?fbclid=IwAR0BPoIuNAx0oJJY7ccdruXFMOfhwXhcTW6DgkwhNCJc22uJWEzMixbDNl8 Don't do it cam,stay far away from that train wreck
  13. I didn't take it has spiteful, the fact he was initially angry he was traded says alot , he didn't do an Ab and run out the door celebrating I do wish he was here to give Bryce a safety out for when things broke down , but he's not , he is a player on another team now, and we need to move on
  14. Florida had more in the tank at the end , and they carried most of OT , Freddy was a monster to keep us in it, but the ice was tilted I don't think its the end though, we met a team that works has hard has we do Turbo will be better Saturday also, I still very much believe
  15. Turbo starting to come to form, He may end this, he almost did but it was a hair too high
  16. I can't take it, shifting from scared to hopeful to scared and hopeful, it's like dancing in a minefield
  17. Canes fans are a different animal, no previous allegiances to other teams splitting the fanbase , we got exposed to hockey, and only know one team, and fug everyone else
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