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Everything posted by Day1PanthersFan

  1. That penalty shot made my week A bogus call , but it turned out awesome
  2. F You Tchuck Eat poo with your brother Kooch is my favorite goalie
  3. So its against the rules to throw your stick to make a save now What BS
  4. That's the goaltending you need, breakdowns are gonna happen Kooch had that 2 on 0 all the way
  5. My money is on Bill Retiring, why should he suffer a new owner , new players, having to build another team , when he has nothing left to prove And if he doesn't, he won't even take Teppers phone call
  6. If only western Refs were that self aware , and secure enough to make fun of themselves
  7. 2025 1st round pick, and 2026, 27,28,29 Remember Fitt is still here, more damage can be done
  8. I would take anyone but Bryce, If I heard Dalton was starting I would be excited about the Panthers again
  9. Nope, he will be fired to Nicole will be GM,HC,OC and QB Coach David will do everything else
  10. I didn't bother watching today's game, sadly wasn't surprised by the final score I will always be a Panthers fan, but they are just too depressing to watch, it's like watching a loved one being tortured And knowing it's never going to stop anytime soon Our only hope is if the Teppers piss off the other owners, and judging how long they put up with Snyder, that is a pipe dream
  11. This is what scared me about all the Canes pre-season Cup picks No matter if it's the Panthers or Canes, we can't handle being the favorites, anytime we are expected to win, we blow it Even though our inconsistencies in net have been a glaring problem for a while I have always known we won't win the cup without a Vezina calibre goalie, we are like the Bolts before they got Vas
  12. I think he is one the best football commentators on the internet , he even trashes his own team when they screw up He's blunt and unapologetic, while being funny at the same time I am a subscriber
  13. I am speechless, what the hell is going on
  14. Yep, Raanta is ass, can't defend him anymore
  15. He is inconsistent and I am not saying he isnt ass, but only seeing 3 shots in a period is very bad for a goalie, you need to make the occasional save here and there to stay in a flow Bad thing about dominant offensive pressure And a 2 on 1 has a good chance to beat any goalie, regardless of shot count
  16. I feel bad for him, you know his freinds and family see the sports shows making fun of him, he got put under a spotlight and is burning out, a non skilled player expected to carry a bad team, his fate was sealed the moment we drafted him I would bench him for his sake , and ours , let Dalton win a few games, and maybe even the 2024 Starting Job, and let this mistake(and Bryce himself)fade into the background
  17. They already have, it was an all out mugging on Bunting after the 5th goal, I am surprised we didn't clear the bench in response
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